Sharing Our Mail

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     I think your article on fellowship in the May issue is the best I have ever read. It made more sense and expressed quite clearly the same ideas that have been in my mind for years. Your first article on instrumental music was also A-1 in my estimation. --Wilbur Storm (Arizona).

     Each number of the paper seems more interesting than the last and we certainly do not want to miss any of them. --Mrs. J. C. W. Hawkins (Mo.).

     I read your paper and think it is great. Although I have never met you I feel you are doing a great work for the cause of Christ,

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and I pray that you will be spared to keep it up. --Joseph W. Kramer (Penn.).

     I have been enjoying your articles and they seem to express our thoughts on these subjects. We deplore the things which separate brethren. Would that we could love like our Master and have the same vision and humility. --Mary Hendren (North Ireland).

     I would like to tell you how much I enjoy reading your articles on fellowship. They are very enlightening and encouraging to me, and I passed last month's issue to one of my neighbors, who passed it on to others. --Myrtie Brannum (Missouri).

     We must quit lifting up names of men or groups of men, even if one of those names is "church of Christ." Perhaps the secret lies in the words of Jesus: "And I if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto me." As men are drawn to Christ, the Lord will add them to His church. --Hal Watkins (Alaska).

     I believe we can teach more people and have a greater chance to do good if we will freely associate with them, than if we build a fence around ourselves for fear we will be tainted if we fellowship those who believe as we do, but are working in a different manner to bring good into the lives of others. --E. B. Herndon (Colorado).

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