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Our aged sister, Sophie Pressey, Shelbyville (Ill.) died June 12.... Leroy Garrett conducted funeral services for his father who died at Dallas (Texas) June 27.... Thanks to Cecil Fleener (Ill.) for 5 subs.... Burl and Florence Roudebush, St. Louis, have a daughter, Linda Sue, born June 15.... Don and Lura Henke, St. Louis, have a son, Donald Eugene, born June 15.... Bob and Betty White, Springfield (Mo.) have a daughter, Paula Janette, born June 18.... Travis Thrower and Martha Earwood were married at Arab (Ala.) June 14.... Earl Barbee and Sue McPhail were married at Topeka (Kansas) June 27.... Kenneth Van Deusen, Bill Hensley, Jim Mabery, Fred Killebrew and Wilford Landes spoke at the Excelsior Springs (Mo.) young peoples' meeting, with more than 250 present on Sunday afternoon.... Wilford Landes also conducted vacation studies at Des Moines (Dean Avenue) and at Ottawa (Kansas). His immediate schedule includes work at Kansas City (Craig Road); Milan and Parkville (Mo.); and Light (Ark.).... Wilbur Swearingin and Roy Loney visited the Colorado Springs meeting and went from there to Albuquerque (N. Mex.) for work.... Please note that Bro. E. M. Zerr is discontinuing his column on "Word Studies" in favor of a series of articles in which he will express opposition to some of the things that are being advocated under the heading of "restoration." We urge you to read what he has to say very carefully. The true child of God studies all sides of an issue without prejudice.... Five were immersed at Bonne Terre (Mo.) recently; and one was immersed during the study at Flat River (Mo.).... It has been confirmed that Seth Wilson and Don De Welt will meet with Leroy Garrett and the editor in discussion of instrumental music and its relation to fellowship, at the Labor Day meeting at Nowata, Oklahoma.... Gerald Hadley has seven home studies underway at Galesburg (Ill.) in addition to the development classes he is conducting. Philip Hadley, 13, of Nashville (Tenn.) will work with Gerald for two weeks this month.... Alvin and Gladys Turnquist celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary in Des Moines (Iowa) July 6.... S. M. Davis, Anmoore (W. Va.) has agreed to speak to a group of interested students of the word on "The Responsibility of Restoring God's People to One Fold.... Bernie Crum reports one added by membership transfer at Brookport (Ill.). We believe that Vernon Hurst needs a little additional financial assistance each month to enable him to adequately carry on his labors in West Virginia. Vernon has mailed out a complete report to all who assisted him. He can be reached at Bristol, West Virginia.... Thanks to Dorothy Moyers (Mo.) for five subs, and to Marjorie Stephens (Mo.) for 7. These are welcome and needed.... Arthur and M a r g i e Nighswonger, Independence (Mo.) have a baby girl, Dana Carlene, born June 24.... Bernie Crum reports one immersed and another added by membership transfer at Brookport (Ill.) July 6.... Robert Brumback conducted funeral services for Sister Belle Allemang, of Kansas City (Mo.) July 3.... Wendell Sparks spoke at Phoenix (Ariz.) June 1.... We think you'd like to read "The Enlightener" published by Bob and Stan Clapp. Just write to either of them at Oakland (Ill.) and ask for a copy. Most of us need enlightenment.... Art Freeman conducted a vacation study at Pomona (Calif.) with a final attendance of 62.... J. E. Bosher (W. Va.) joins the ranks of those who will be distributing 25 copies of MISSION MESSENGER each month.... We regret to learn of the illness of our aged brother, J. Holmes, of
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Gould, Yorkshire, England.... Thanks to Gary Talley (N. Y.) for five subs. Bro. J. C. Bailey, Carman, Manitoba, Canada suggested we might like to reproduce his article on the subject of "Controversy" which appeared in Firm Foundation, July 15. While space will not permit us to reprint it, we want to give it our endorsement, and assure the brethren that it will be profitable to read it.... We would like to send you a copy of "Self-Interpreting New Testament" by Ashley S. Johnson. This book has the scriptures which bear upon a subject printed right at the place where they apply, so that teachers and speakers will have the full quotations available without turning to other parts of the Bible. The price is $3.95 per copy.... Complete Bible in Revised Standard Version. Bound in buckram, $6.00; leather bound, India paper, $9.00; leather bound, Bible paper, $10.00 each.... Sister Mary C. Journey, 86, Nevada (Mo.) is now in a nursing home after 26 days of hospitalization.... Thanks to Mrs. Roy Chinn (Mo.) for 5 subs.... One restored at Oak Hill Chapel (St. Louis).... Volume Six of Bible Commentary; by E. M. Zerr, containing comments and explanations of every verse from First Corinthians through Revelation is getting to be in short supply. We will mail you one while they last for $4.00.... E. M. Smith presided at a forum on "Fellowship" at Colorado Springs (Colo.) July 6. Panel members were Ashley Elson, Wayne Peden, Richard Riggins and C. R. Turner. Faye Crist, Herman Gower, Dean Garrison, Roy Loney, and others spoke during the three day meeting, which had a peak crowd of 174 in attendance.... Bro. and Sister Bernie Crum, Brookport (Ill.) have a daughter, Melanie Dawn, born July 12. Roy Loney will work at Brookfield (Mo.) and Las Animas (Colo.) this month. . . . We have a few Wide Margin Bibles left. These sell for $21.00 but you should send at once if you want one.... Rhea Hadley reports 3 immersions recently at Twelfth Street in Nashville (Tenn.) and asks you to remember the Labor Day meeting there.... Ruth Cassell reports an excellent series of meetings with Bob Duncan, at Pomona (Calif.) Our sympathy to Mrs. Ora Dare, LaBelle (Mo.) whose mother departed this life.... Jerry Reece spoke at Kirksville (Mo.) July 6.... We regret to learn that surgery was performed on Craig Frazier, Milan (Mo.).... Fred Killebrew reports an interesting study at Nevada (Mo.) after which he will work at Advance (Mo.).... C. R. Turner held a tent meeting near Bloomfield (Mo.) and Carol Bailey will hold one in that town.