Christian Church Baptism

W. Carl Ketcherside

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     It is difficult to convince brethren that "The Church of Christ" in many localities has become a narrow and intolerant sect. Yet one only needs to read the periodicals representing the position of much of the membership to see that this charge is true. As an illustration I cite the following from The Gospel Guardian, written by Lester Weaver, under the above heading. His sub-head is, "Let's Face the Facts!"

     In recent years some brethren have sought in first one way and then another to justify their friends who are guilty of participating in the errors of the Christian Church. Sometimes these brethren say that Christian Church baptism is alright. The truth, however, is not as lenient as some brethren. Let's face the facts!

     For one's baptism to be alright it must be the one baptism (Eph. 4:5). If Christian Church baptism is the one baptism then the Bible is not true. For the Bible teaches the one baptism puts all who receive it into one and the same body (1 Cor. 12:13,20; Eph. 3: 6) If Christian Church baptism is not the one

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baptism then all the members thereof are lost being out of Christ. For salvation is in Christ and only one baptism puts us into Him (Eph. 1:3; 2 Tim. 2:10; Gal. 3:27). Christian Church baptism either is the one baptism or it is not. Therefore, either the Bible is not true or all members of the Christian Church are lost. Yes, at all times we must face the facts. "For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds (2 John 11).

     I am not interested in justifying my friends who are guilty of participating in the errors of the Christian Church. Neither am I interested in justifying my friends who are guilty of participating in the errors of "The Church of Christ." I hold no brief for error or sectism regardless of who is guilty. Brethren should not dismiss the above as an isolated instance. Instead, it is representative of the thinking of a great majority, especially in the southland. Brother Weaver is the victim of the sectarian teaching which is prevalent in the colleges, and announced from most of the pulpits. These brethren make the mistake of thinking that "The Church of Christ" with its policy making lectureships (conventions), hireling clergy system, seminaries, congregational missionary societies, and great philanthropic associations, is the one body mentioned in the New Testament scriptures. They have been brain-washed into thinking that until they cannot face the facts!

     One need not be brilliant to see that acceptable baptism with these brethren is only administered by a clergyman of the "Church of Christ." There is no such thing as "Christian Church baptism." Neither is there any such thing as "Church of Christ baptism." If there were, one would be worth as much as the other. The one baptism is the immersion in water of a believing penitent upon the basis of his faith that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. When one submits to it he is added to the one body, composed of all the saved of the earth. It does not make any difference who immerses him, or where. Such an individual, through ignorance, may continue in a sectarian environment, and he may, or may not, become a sectarian in that environment. But he was added to the one body, and he is my brother. When I find him in the wrong environment, I shall not deny that he was born again, or that he is my brother. I shall seek to show to him that our Father wants us all to be one in Him, and that he must therefore discard those sectarian attitudes and practices which divide us.

     Those who have been immersed into the Christ are not out of Christ. They may be doing a lot of things "in Christ" that they ought not to be doing. They may, or may not, be lost eternally. We will probably do well to allow God to handle that phase of the situation. One thing we do know, and that is that we will be saved or lost as individuals, and not as congregations, regardless of what title we have over the church building. But those who have been immersed in water upon their faith that Jesus is the Messiah and God's Son, will not be lost because there was something wrong with their baptism. They may be lost because of the way they regard or treat their brethren, and they may miss heaven because of their self-righteous attitude and sectarian bigotry.

     The misapplication of 2 John 11 with which Brother Weaver closes his party-making thesis was handled at length in our June issue. He has missed the teaching of John as far on this subject as he did the teaching of Paul on baptism and the one body. Again, I affirm that every sincere believing penitent who submits to immersion in water on the basis of his faith in Jesus, is added to the one body by the Lord, and that person is my brother. Let's really face the facts!

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