Sharing Our Mail

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     Brother Zerr's statement, "I have lived to see three major divisions come among the churches of Christ," has special significance to me, because only a few months have passed since I listened to another "Church of Christ" preacher who had a good deal to say about "three major divisions" which had occurred. He and Bro. Zerr are in agreement in listing instrumental music as the cause of the first. But in listing the second and third, each referred to something entirely different. According to Bro. Zerr, the second major division was over Bible colleges; the third over the "Rough Draft." According to Bro. Robertson, the second division was over the Sunday School, and the third over the communion, particularly over the number of cups which may be used. It might be interesting to determine why, in listing three major divisions, these brethren selected different seconds and thirds. Were the two majors of one looked upon as minors by the other? --F. S. Graham (Iowa).

     I enjoy your paper very much and it is very profitable to me. My prayer is that you may be able to continue this good work indefinitely. --V. R. Shumate (W. Va.).

     We have enjoyed the paper so much. It is very enlightening. May God help you to continue this excellent service. --H. R. DeClue (Mo.).

     May the Heavenly Father through a loving Saviour, Jesus Christ, bless the efforts you are making through the pages of MISSION MESSENGER, which I have received regularly for a few years. In the March issue, A. Gerstenschlager, concluded his letter with the words, "There are many who are benefitted that will never have the opportunity to tell you in person. This good will continue and generations to come will also reap the benefits." I can only echo these words with a sincere "Thank you." --J. H. Faulks (England).

     I will be interested to see the outcome of Bro. Zerr's articles. He can only remember three major divisions coming to the church. Why be blind to more than 20 others, and all so unnecessary? Why are we who plead for unity the most divided? We are apt to make a hierarchy out of our laity who sit in judgment on our thinking. Many of us fear what men may say or do to us. --Lee Carter Maynard (Illinois).

     The peak attendance at Nashville on Sunday before Labor Day was 100, and the theme was "Our Greatest Need." All seemed to feel that our greatest needs are to love our brethren more, improve our attitude, awaken to personal responsibility, and seek to walk closer with God. --Gerald Hadley (Illinois).
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