Help for Africa

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     Bro. A. B. Winstanley, 43a Church Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England, is undertaking to print literature in the Nyanga dialect for distribution in Africa by Bro. Frank Murphy and his co-workers. Funds are needed now to advance this work. Oak Hill Chapel congregation in St. Louis has forwarded $40.00 and other congregations are urged to respond. Bro. Winstanley will acknowledge the funds you send, and furnish details. He writes thus: "Bro. Murphy is doing a grand job. He is working with black folk. He may soon be moved to Uganda, but if so, the work of distribution will continue through faithful men (black brothers) with whom he has labored. They have an insatiable appetite for literature and their zeal in distributing it puts us to shame. Bro. Murphy works in hospitals training nurses. His wife teaches. They are a consecrated couple and their labors have been greatly blessed of God." If you have never contributed to take the gospel to other lands, please do so now. Mail your contribution by draft drawn on Chase Manhattan Bank, of New York, or by International Money Order. If you prefer, send it to us, and we will send it on to Brother Winstanley for you. Be sure and label it "For African literature."

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