Several hundred brethren from all segments of the disciple brotherhood
attended the three day Labor Day weekend meeting at Nowata. Interest was manifest in a
discussion of instrumental music in its relation to fellowship by four brethren who presented
their views, questioned each other, and were questioned by the audience. These sessions were all
tape recorded. The congregation at Nowata did a masterful job in caring for the visitors. Paul
Ketcherside directed arrangements.
I have learned that the congregation at Nowata (Okla.) had to borrow
$302.33 to finish paying expenses of the Labor Day meeting. They spent $833.86 for rooms;
$380.28 for food, exclusive of milk, ice, and other items. Although Nell and I made our own
reservations and bore our own expenses, we are sending a check to help reduce this loan, for it
does not seem right that this little group do all the work, and have to pay off a loan through this
coming year. If you want to help you can send a check to Henry Eccles, Nowata, Oklahoma.
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