Sharing Our Mail

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     At present, it appears that papers are really the promoters of the party spirit If your time, my time, and the time of every other gospel preacher, was spent in evangelism and taking the gospel to the unbaptized, we would do more to promote real unity and the first century spirit of the church of Christ. I wonder, if religious papers, outside of those which are organs of evangelism, are not as bad as institutionalism? --William 1. Hensley (Indiana).

     I have enjoyed reading the MISSION MESSENGER over a long period. The articles on fellowship I find very interesting and thought

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provoking. I feel that over here, and no doubt it is the same in the states, that while we have the example of the early disciples turning the world upside down, we seem to have turned each other upside down. --W. Stanton (England).
     I feel that you were quite illogical in your attempt to draw a parallel between a citizen of the United States who resides in a foreign country while still keeping his citizenship, and a member of God's family, who after "the Lord added him to the church, added himself to something the Lord does not approve. Any person who resides in a foreign country while still a citizen of the United States is still under complete obligation to the constitution of the United States. Should such a person join himself to that foreign country, he is deprived of his right to be called a citizen of the United States.... A member of God's family who joins or adds himself to something the Lord does not approve, would be deprived of the right to be called a member of God's family. If not a member of God's family, then not my brother. --Chester Shearer (California).
     I can sympathize with your ardent desire to promote unity, but am wary whether your dictum in the July issue will stand the test. Let me put it this way, "Why have all the divisions occurred in the Restoration movement, seeing there was a time when the fellowship was one? Anyway, everything possible should be done to promote unity among the Lord's people, the basis of which is loyalty to the word of God. But can we say that all who profess to love God are anxious about such a loyalty?... Even in Churches of Christ, there are those whose interest in, and knowledge of the word of God is restricted, not by an incapacity to comprehend it, but for other reasons. I am afraid the problem is with us to stay. --J. B. Kendrick (England).
     It takes a great change sometimes to make people see the light. We may not have been in accord with your articles on fellowship before we came to France and had some of the scales lifted from our eyes, but we are now in full accord with the articles you have presented. We deeply appreciate the paper and are anxious to read the articles by Bro. Zerr so we may study all sides more closely. --Clayton and Kathleen Klein (France).
     As regarding everything which may appear on man's printed page, I have always tried to be like the hen with her brood of chickens, when she approaches some wheat which lies underneath the chaff. She scratches the chaff to one side and gets the wheat. I have done a lot of scratching and brushing away of chaff in my time, and I think I have been able to feed on considerable wheat. --Verna M. Gilbert (Iowa).
     The church has been divided by personal differences which have been allowed to simmer and boil until they erupted and caused congregations to be divided. Other congregations took up the practice until the church in some localities is hardly recognizable as the body of Christ. It is my fervent hope that your effort to restore brethren to the understanding that we must have the love necessary to produce forbearance for the shortcomings of each other will be a ruling factor which will bring us to salvation. I think people are afraid of the word "restoration." Personally, I am sure you have the right theme, and may God bless you and yours for the valiant effort you are making. --Paul A. Mallady (Illinois).
     I really appreciated the articles by Bro. Loney and Bro. Zerr. They were scholarly in contending for the truth. --Winford Lee (Indiana).
     I enjoyed Bro. Zerr's and Bro. Loney's articles in the last issue. I believe it to be according to the Book of books. --Harry Powell (Indiana).
     Ellis Crum's article "An Educated Ministry" is worthy of publication in every journal of the brotherhood. I would some means were available to accomplish that! How sorely we need to ponder the things set forth, but, sadly, how few seem to do so. --Mrs. H. H. Stubblefield (North Carolina).
     Your book "The Royal Priesthood" has come to my attention while engaged in research at the library of Congress. It is a significant work -- interestingly done. I hope that it may continue to have wide circulation...My regular job is college teaching of Economics and Business Administration subjects. I have often remarked that the priesthood of all believers is highly meaningful for our system of government -- it is the religious basis for a democracy and, too, it is meaningful in economics -- justifying the "consumer is sovereign" concept and pressing for greater democracy within the large corporation. In fact, I am leaving graduate study at the University of North Carolina, and going to the London School of Economics and Political Science this fall for work on the Ph.D. with the hope that I may use the concept you have written about, as an approach to a study of management authority and responsibility in large modern corporations...Thanks for having contributed one of the very few studies on so important a topic -- at least, I found few references in the library of Congress. --John L. Bass (Washington, D. C.)

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     I am simply amazed at the outpouring of commendations for my articles which I am receiving. Every mail brings some. I was at the young people's meeting in Topeka Sunday evening, and many came to me and gave their commendation for what I had written. --Roy Loney (Kansas).
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