Sharing Our Mail

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     I do not believe we are the only ones with any chance for salvation. There are many other people who are Christians, possibly more right than we. I believe your recent articles are on the right track, though in some instances the wording may be misunderstood, else so many of our brethren would not be disturbed. We must avoid the old attitude or the Pharisee which has been our trademark; yet we can never become so liberal as to become modernistic and stray on the road towards denial of our Saviour. --Talmadge Weekly (Missouri).


     I enjoy the articles very much, and especially the sincerity of your attitude even though I do not always agree with everything written. --Paul Meeske (Nebraska).


     I think you are seeking to talk with the baptized believers in other religious organizations on a brotherly basis to see if all can settle on the scriptures and stand there, while at the same time, I believe some others of us seem to take the position that there is no use trying, because they are set in their position and we are set in ours. --V. M. Foltz (Missouri).


     I wish to thank you for the January issue. I have read, re-read and underscored significant passages in the article "The Ebbing Tide." I agree with your conclusions on western civilization. This has been of special concern to me for the past year. When I woke up to the possibility that the western world just might not stand forever, the actions of my government and of others began to take on new significance. The decay on all fronts of life in the United States has been my special concern... For a host of reasons I am glad you are delving into these problems in your paper. Your choice could not be more timely; I just pray to God it is not too late.--Stanley Carpenter (Massachusetts).


     I am very much impressed with the fairness in which you handle the paper. The articles fill my heart with a feeling of urgency. I do know that time is running out in more ways than one. --Paul E. Rees (Illinois).

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