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     We are saddened to record the following deaths: John Anderson, Ironton, Missouri, January 15; Alice Ketcherside, Cadet, Missouri, January 17; Fred Sugden, Morley, Yorkshire, England, January 14.... Bernie Crum will continue to work at Brookport, Illinois, for another year. Louis Martin reports that Fred Killebrew conducted an interesting study in Revelation, at Iberia, Missouri.... Delmar and Alice Eubanks have transferred membership from Alexandria, Indiana, to Norwalk, California.... Sister Mary Skomp, sends notice of the death of her mother, Mrs. Effie (Carpenter) Hunter, who passed away at Lyons, Indiana, March 6, at the age of 79.... Deana England underwent surgery at Los Angeles, California. She is a member of the congregation at Compton. Luther McGowan of the same congregation is also quite ill.... Here are some new arrivals in the world: Earl and Aline Simpson, Webster Groves, Missouri, a baby boy; Tames and Pat Schiber, Hartford, Illinois, a boy, Gregory James, born January 13; David and Faye Oster, St. Louis, Missouri, a boy born January 16; James and Geraldine Jewell, St. Louis, Missouri, a girl, Diane, born January 19.... Jim Mabery immersed two at Webster Groves, Missouri, on January 18.... Victor and Rose Meyer, Webster Groves, Missouri, have a baby boy, Mark Allen, born January 24.... The new address of Vernon Hurst is 938 West Cheyenne Road, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Would you like to make someone happy? Joanne Scott, Jameson, Missouri, is paralyzed and at the age of twenty is confined to a wheelchair. She is a member of the body of our Lord. Those of us who met her while in the Rehabilitation Section of Jewish Hospital, Saint Louis, can bear testimony of her faith and influence on other patients. Why not send her a card or brief note, and let her know that you are one of those who care.... Halley's Bible Handbook is chucked so full of good Biblical information, that you just simply ought not be without it. We mean it when we say that after having it, you will never want to be without it. It contains 955 pages, and we'll mail you one for only $3.00. .. . About 35 brethren from various segments of the disciple brotherhood met for a 3 hour discussion in Springfield (Ill.) on January 31. The subject discussed was "How Can We Work Together for the Cause of Christ?" Another such meeting will be held at M. and M. Restaurant on February 28, when Leroy Garrett will act as chairman. Discussion is free and open with no one barred from speaking.... Kingsley Dowling is moving from Granite City (Ill.) to labor with brethren in Tennessee.... Mrs. Jennie Tweed, 2711 Saint Louis Avenue, East St. Louis, Illinois, is the colored woman whom I mentioned in our January issue. The mother of 8 children, she underwent surgery for cancer. I met her in my rounds at Saint Louis Cancer hospital. She is a member of the Pentecostal faith. She has written me and listed the names of all you who wrote her. She received 40 cards, and as I read your names, I thanked God that you were among the ones who cared.... Do you want something for the little boys and girls in your class to do? We have color books of "The Beatitudes" which are helpful. They learn the verse, then color the page. When the book is completed the child is given it to take home. These are 12 for one dollar while they last.... Wilford Landes is assisting the brethren at Milan (Mo.) in training sessions during the fourth week of each month.... M. S. Whitehead, Steward at State Farm, Atmore, Alabama, has produced a tract entitled "J. W. McGarvey on the Order of Worship" which is a review of certain witnesses introduced in a booklet by J. D. Phillips on the subject of order of worship. You may secure a copy

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by writing Bro. Whitehead as above.... Borden Higginbotham was with Kendallville, Indiana, brethren on January 31 and February 1.... Darrell Bolin began at New Liberty, Illinois, on February 15.... Ellis Crum is to be at Middletown, Indiana, for a song rally, March 21, 22; and at 26th and Spruce Street, Kansas City, Missouri, for a meeting in April.... We are in receipt of "The Enlightener" edited by Stan Clapp, Oakland, Illinois. Among other things, the January issue contains articles on The Evil of the Dance, Restoration of N. T. Christianity, Instrumental Music--pro and con, and an analysis of the effect of the curse of the son of Ham, and its effect on modern race prejudice. Why not write Stan for a copy?... Gerald Hadley writes that 3 were immersed at Nashville (Tenn.) where his present address is 506 East Trinity Lane. His little daughter, Vickie, will probably have to undergo heart surgery around June 1.... There is a little lad who lives at 520 Austin Street, Potosi, Missouri, who has had to battle for life almost since birth. When the tide ebbs too far out, he must come to St. Louis Children's Hospital, and sometimes it looks as if he will not make it. His parents are members of the Assembly of God Church, and the father is a hard working man. It would help if you would write this little lad a card. Just address it to Larry Callahan, at above address. Tell him that Bro. Ketcherside mentioned it. Will you please be one who cares?... We are saddened by the sudden death of Bro. Will Young at Springfield, Missouri. He was a faithful brother.... J. T. Broseh writes of a study in Ephesians and Philippians to be conducted at Odessa, Texas, April.... J. C. Reed, Donna, Texas, writes his appreciation of the recent front page articles.... Edward Buttram, Springfield, Missouri, tells of the grave illness of Bro. Wallace and Sister Osborne, in that city.... Foy and Twyla Mitchell write an interesting account of their work in Germany.... Nell and I are grateful to all of you who are sending in lists of names so others can share in the contents of the paper.... Mr. and Mrs. James Fitzpatrick, Star Route, Palmyra, Missouri, are the parents of the little girl, Debra Sue, whom we mentioned in a previous issue. This little baby lost an eye from cancer and the other is affected. The parents write, "We would like to thank everyone for the cards, letters, contributions and prayers for our little girl. They are greatly appreciated. May God bless each one of you.... Norman Cunningham, Oblong, Illinois, underwent surgery in St. Louis, February 14.... James Lourwood and Patsy Dean Lentz were married in St. Louis, February 14.

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