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We regret to report the death of A. E. McClaflin, Bicknell, Indiana, as the result of heart attack, March 14.... Irma Webb, Pomona, California, underwent surgery, March 9.... Norman Cunningham, Ob1ong, Illinois, was released from Barnes Hospital, St. Louis, March 19.... Lon Hasty, Oakland, California, was permitted to return home after hospitalization following severe heart attacks.... Bernell Weems, Bonne Terre, Missouri, is home again after hospitalization for nervous collapse.... Ary Forshee, Bonne Terre, Missouri, underwent serious surgery in Saint Louis.... The new address of the congregation at Bridgeport, Connecticut, is 814 Maplewood Avenue, at the corner of Howard Avenue and Maplewood.... Darrell Bolin was with the Bridgeport, Connecticut congregation for their opening service in their new location, following which he labored with the small group meeting in an upper room at Meriden, Connecticut. Darrell will conduct a meeting at Woodland, Pennsylvania, this summer. A new congregation is being planted in Lock Haven, Pennsylvania, where brethren will begin services at the corner of Linden and Highland Streets. There will be about 22 charter members.... We are starting work with Brother Robert Brumback to bring out his book entitled, "Where Jesus Walked." It will be an attractive volume presenting many interesting features gleaned during his trip to Bible lands, coupled with material from the inspired record woven into the narrative. The price will be $3.00 per copy. Further information will follow.... Jerry and Grace Wilkins, Des Moines, Iowa, have a baby girl, Debra Sue, born January 28. The mother is the former Grace Eben.... Hershel Ottwell was with the Reeds Station congregation, near Carbondale, Illinois, April 12-18. He will assist brethren at Nebo, Illinois, in a vacation study and at the same time conduct night meetings at Louisiana, Missouri. This will be during the first two weeks in June.... Kenneth Marihugh, son of Edgar and Veronica Marihugh, Los Angeles (California) was hospitalized with a meningitis condition.... Clyde Eugene Jones and Judith Barber were married at Dallas, Texas, April 11.... Fred Killebrew was in a special meeting at 5906 Kenwood, Kansas City, Missouri, March 15-22.... We rejoice that Donald Fritz, an elder of the Kenwood Avenue congregation is greatly improved after the heart attack which we reported in these columns.... Bernie Crum will assist in the following work: Meeting at Shippensburg, Pennsylvania, May 3-17; Vacation study at Brookport, Illinois, June 1-6; Meeting at Pana, Illinois, June 12-24; Meeting at Advance, Missouri, first two weeks in August.... The vacation Bible study at Kirksville, Missouri, will be July 5-17.... Norman Cunningham wishes to thank all who sent cards, and offered prayers in his behalf, during his extended hospitalization. He is one of the elders at Oblong, Illinois.... Thurman Miller ordained elders and deacons at Womack. Missouri, on March 29. Elders are Floyd DeBlois, Fred Payne, and Hayden Womack. Deacons are Vivian Wineberger and Guy Heaney. Mail should be addressed to Floyd DeBlois, Star Route, Mine La Motte, Missouri.... William Hensley has recently concluded a series of gospel meetings at Martinsville, Indiana.... We regret to report that Miriam Lawson, New Castle, Indiana, fractured a hip as the result of a fall, March 28.... Verlin and Bea Roberts, Anderson, Indiana, have a son, Mark David, born March 14.... The editor assisted Jim Mabery in a short meeting at Bloomfield, Missouri, the first week in April. Interest was excellent and Bro. Mabery accomplished much

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good for the Lord.... Fred Killebrew recently concluded a good series of meetings at Centerville, Missouri.... M. S. Whitehead, Steward at State Farm, Atmore, Alabama, has prepared a treatise entitled "Christian Fellowship" in which he reviews recent articles by Roy Loney and C. R. Turner, on the same question. He will mail you a copy of the review upon request.... Jim Ranchino, Alexandria, Louisiana, writes his commendation of recent articles in the paper, and says they are both instructive and challenging..... William Paulsen, Red Cloud, Nebraska, is in the process of reading "The Kingdom of the Messiah" for the fourth time. This elderly saint and his good wife were originally from Denmark. He says that the book is truly wonderful. Thanks!... Our sympathy goes to Claude and Naomi Dalton, Flat River, Missouri, whose son, Jerry, age 21, was killed in an automobile crash.... Roy Loney, 927 Louisiana Ave., Lawrence, Kansas, mails us a copy of a treatise by Richard Riggins, entitled "A Study of Fellowship." Bro. Loney writes, "We are covering the entire brotherhood with these and anticipate a favorable reaction." We urge all of our readers to secure a copy and read it, as well as all else on the subject.... We regret to learn of the death of our aged Sister Pendleton at Ottawa (Kansas).... Vernon Hurst is inaugurating a religious survey which should prove to be both interesting and informative.... Our hearts go out to Bro. Fred Randel, Lewis, Kansas, whose wife departed this life, April 3.... John Fleener recently ordained deacons for the congregation at Champaign, Illinois. Elders are Wayne Geiling and Floyd Kelly; deacons are James French, Wendell Allen and Flavel Warner. This congregation for young people each month.... Have you ever read Fox's Book of Martyrs? We'll send you a beautiful library edition for just $3.00.... If you have been postponing the securing of Thayer's Greek-English Lexicon, you need not do so. We will send you one for $10, and you can pay for it at the rate of $2.00 per month.... Don't forget the Bible study at Colorado Springs, June 28 through July 5.... Leroy Garrett was a representative of MacMurray College at an educational conference in Columbus, Ohio, April 11.... A capacity crowd attended the meeting for young people in Springfield, Missouri.... Jim Mabery will conduct a study at 5906 Kenwood Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri, in June.... Why not send two dollars for a year's subscription to Restoration Review, 1916 Western Drive, Alton, Illinois.... Carl Dalton, elder at Flat River, Missouri reports 2 immersed there, and 5 at Centerville, Missouri, April 5.... Harriet Spray, St. Louis, was entertained at a birthday party by sisters of the various congregations, April 8, on her 76th birthday anniversary.... J. D. Phillips will reply to the thesis of M. S. Whitehead on "The Order of Worship" in The Truth, published at 2901 East Second St., Austin 2, Texas.... Lawrence Swearingin spoke at Kirksville, Missouri, April 12.... Darrell Bolin is on WBPZ-TV each Sunday night at 10 p. m., from Lock Haven, Pennsylvania.... We will send you free copies of this issue if you request them for distribution. Write for the number you can use.

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