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     Three immersed at Webster Groves, Missouri, April 22.... Allen and Louvern Hector, Saint Louis, Missouri, have a son, Timothy James, born April 15.... J. C. Mabery and wife, Bonne Terre, Missouri, thank all of you for the cards and expressions of love received during the illness of Sister Mabery.... We regret to report the death of little Larry Callahan, Potosi, Missouri, whose condition was previously mentioned in this column.... J. T. Broseh reports a good study under direction of J. D. Phillips, at Odessa, Texas.... Douglas and Rosemary Bell, St. Louis, Missouri, have a son, born April 22.... Have you always wanted a copy of Moffatt's Translation of the New Testament, or Goodspeed's Translation of the New Testament? We will send you either of these at once for $2.50.... Loren Ottwell reports the congregation at Louisiana, Missouri, doing well, and making plans to erect a meetinghouse.... S. M. Davis asks you to remember that brethren who formerly met at Ten Mile, West Virginia, are now meeting at Sun Valley Chapel, 4 miles west of Clarksburg, on Highway 50.... Emmett Powers reports that the congregation at Carmichael, California, now has three elders and two deacons. Elders are William McCreary, Alton and Wilham Gray; deacons are Frank Thornburg and Ernest Schaeffer.... C. Y. Quackenbush tells us the congregation at Mattoon, Illinois, is veneering the outside of their building with Indiana limestone.... C. R. Turner visited the congregation at Farmington, New Mexico, recently.... W. L. Wilson, who wrote the article on "The Fellowship" lives at 7719 Hacienda, El Paso, Texas. Perhaps you'll want to write him your appreciation for this timely presentation.... Norman and Joyce Hawbaker, Decatur, Illinois, have a son, Timothy Lynn, born April 13.... After reading this issue, if you would like extra copies to hand to friends and brethren, please send a request at once stating how many you will faithfully use. We will send them to you free.... Vernon Hurst labored with the congregation at Wauneta, Nebraska, for two weeks.... Ellis Crum reported a good meeting with 26th and Spruce Street congregation in Kansas City, Missouri.... We wish to commend an excellent book just out--Teacher's New Testament with Notes and Helps. It is now $3.50 but will raise to $3.95 after June 1.... Don't forget the vacation study for young people to be taught at 5906 Kenwood Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri, by Jim Mabery, in June.... This will be the last notice of the study at Colorado Springs, Colorado, June 28-July 5, to be conducted by Dean Garrison and W. Carl Ketcherside.... We regret to announce the death of Bro. Roscoe Mullenix, Kirksville, Missouri, April 10.... Lawrence Swearingin spoke at Kirksville, April 12.... Hershel Ottwell will conduct meetings at Louisiana, Missouri, the first two weeks in June. Three were immersed there recently.... Jim Mabery recently concluded a two weeks effort at Fenton, Missouri.... Mrs. Leo Mabery, Bonne Terre, Missouri, underwent major surgery.... Hershel Ottwell was at Oblong, Illinois, April 5, and at Reeds Station, near Carbondale, Illinois, for a week starting April 12. Hershel will be at Bloomfield, Illinois, July 19-31.... Stewart Whyte and Walter Fields were ordained as elders at 3402 Franor Street, Alton, Illinois, April 26.... The editor was with the East Gordon Street congregation, Valdosta, Georgia, in a series of studies starting May 3. He was the speaker at the Junior-Senior banquet at Clyattville, Georgia on May 8.... Roy Loney was briefly hospitalized for minor surgery. Sister Loney is making improvement in her general condition

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after being hospitalized.... The Lawrence, Kansas congregation celebrated their anniversary meeting, May 5. Sharon Vermillion and Jimmie Nicoll, were married April 18, at West Riverside, California.... We hope soon to begin work on the new book by Brother Brumback to be entitled "Where Jesus Walked." We think you will like it. Robert Murry has been assigned to Korean duty with the army. He spoke for the brethren at Compton, California, May 10.... William Hensley spoke at the eighth grade graduating exercises at Jameson, Missouri, and Jerry Reece at the high school commencement. Bro. Hensley conducted a short Bible study at Gallatin while in the area.... Chester and Alta Shearer have a new baby girl, Sandra Dee. They live at Covina, California.... Bro. and Sister Frank Hite, Pomona, California celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary, May 10.... John D. Wisenbaker immersed two at the close of the study in Valdosta, Georgia.... Darrell Bolin reports that the television program on which he teaches the word of God has created excellent interest, and the time is to be stepped up to thirty minutes per session.... One has been immersed, and the new congregation at Lock Haven, Pennsylvania, now has 23 members, with an average attendance of about 40.... A good letter was received from Bro. Milt Cook and wife of Pollock, Missouri. Our brother is near 89 years of age, and his wife is 78.... Emma Hudson writes that the congregation at Reeds Station, near Carbondale, Illinois, esteems Hershel Ottwell very highly for his works' sake and they look forward to having him labor with them.... Fred Killebrew will spend about two weeks with brethren on East Gordon Street, Valdosta, Georgia.... We can supply you copies of our new tract "This Way and That Way" for distribution at a cost of $5.00 per 500; $9.50 per 1000, and we will pay the postage. Send stamped envelope for sample.... Jim Mabery reports six added in the meeting at Fenton, Missouri.... If you deem this issue worth greater distribution please write for extra copies, which will be sent you free while they last.... Be sure to send your subscription in before it lapses.

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