New Books

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     We are publishing a new volume "Where Jesus Walked" by Robert H. Brumback, in which the author synchronizes his trip to the holy land with the life and journeys of Jesus. This book will contain about 200 pages, including 24 full page illustrations. It will be beautifully bound in cloth and have a colorful dust jacket. The price will be $3.00, and you will want extra copies for gifts to special friends. We need your orders now. Send no money. Tell us how many you will require. The books will be mailed about September 1.

     We also need your help in bringing back to print "The History of the Church Through the Ages" by Robert Brumback. This large volume which has received so much acclaim will come from the press October 1, attired in a new and beautiful dust jacket. There is no increase in price. The cost will be $5.00 per copy and we will bill you with the book. Send no money, but please notify us at once how many you would like to have mailed to you. If you wish it sent to others we will mail it to them for you and bill you.

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