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     Glen Goff recently immersed a man at Centerville, Missouri.... Berdell McCann immersed one at Hartford, Illinois.... Derek Daniell and Margaret Scott were married at Kentish Town, London, England, May 9.... Percy Pascoe, Steelville, Missouri, is making an attractive reprint of the article "The Ebbing Tide" which can be used as a tract or folder for general distribution. These will be furnished you at $1.00 per hundred; or $8.00 per thousand. Write Brother Pascoe at once.... Forest and Jackie Ferguson, Moweaqua, Illinois, have a new son, Ricky Dean.... Wilford Landes assisted with the young people's meeting at Excelsior Springs, Missouri.... Bernie Crum will conduct a meeting at Pana, Illinois, July 12 through 24.... Jerry Reece helped in vacation studies at Fairbury, Nebraska and Red Cloud, Nebraska. He will be in another such study at Kirksville, Missouri, July 5-17, followed by a young people's meeting July 18, 19.... We regret to learn that Harold Price, Shelbyville, Illinois had to be hospitalized as the result of a fall sustained at work.... The Ellis Hots family, Route 1, Lafe, Arkansas, suffered complete loss of their house and personal possessions when lightning struck the property during a violent storm of tornadic proportion. This is a very worthy and deserving family, whose hospitality has been extended to many of us.... The editor was privileged to renew many personal acquaintances during the past month while on a tour of commencements in which he delivered the addresses.... We are sorry to announce that Sister Loney was hospitalized for removal of her left eye, due to acute glaucoma. Bernie Crum reports six immersed in a good meeting at Shippensburg, Pennsylvania.... Have you read "Studies in the Original Christian Baptism" by Johannes Warns? If not, you have missed something. We'll mail you a copy for $3.95.... Mr. and Mrs. Ross Kramer, Rural Route, Salona, Pennsylvania, lost all of their personal possessions in a fire which destroyed their house, May 17. They have two small children, 6 weeks and 15 months of age. They are worthy and any help will be wisely used.... Brethren at Mount Eagle, Pennsylvania will have a three day meeting over Labor Day weekend, and if you can attend, write to D. W. Bolin, 134 Susquehanna Avenue, Lock Haven, Pennsylvania, for reservations.... Lloyd Riggins labored two weeks with brethren at Oakland, California.... Myrna Riggins Thompson and Hilda Privett, of Compton, California were scheduled for surgery during June, the latter will have a heart operation. Let us practice praying for all of these who are sick and hospitalized. You will feel closer to them as you bring their names before the Father.... Jim and Anna Mae Bogan, Indianapolis, Indiana, have a baby boy, John David, born May 2.... Randall and Grace Whanger, Overland, Missouri, have a baby girl, born May 21.... Carl and Glenda Scruggs, Oak Hill Chapel, St. Louis, have a baby girl, Lucinda Marie, born May 22. Darrell and Carrie Bolin, Lock Haven, Pennsylvania, have a baby boy, born May 20.... The editor spoke three times at Middletown, Indiana, May 23, 24. He was accompanied by Otto Schlieper.... During the Indiana work, we called on Brother E. M. Zerr, New Castle, Indiana. The report that he suffered a stroke some time ago was not exactly correct, rather he suffered from lapse of memory, induced by hardening of the arteries and consequent high blood pressure. He is able to teach publicly as always, and has four meetings arranged for 1960 in California. Bro. Zerr expressed the view that our reference to him as "our aged brother" in replies to his articles several months ago, left the impres-

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sion that he was advancing certain ideas as a result of infirmities of age. Our only use of the expression was in respect for his age and scholarship. We are happy that he is in such good health and pray for a continuation of his well-being.... Miriam Lawson, New Castle, Indiana, is making slow recovery after sustaining a broken hip in a fall in the home. Hershel Ottwell was with brethren meeting at 602 North Court Street, Sullivan, Indiana, May 10.... Darrell Bolin conducted a vacation study at Shillington, Pennsylvania.... Mrs. Viola Carron, 311 Virginia St., Crystal City, Missouri, would like to contact a woman of middle age, to share a home with her mother and assist in the housework. A small salary will also be paid.... Fred Killebrew was with the congregation at Hartshorn, Missouri, May 24-31.... We regret the death of Bro. Lewis Perkins, Dixon, Missouri, after a long illness due to cancer.... Bro. J. M. Lamb, long an elder at Mount View, near Iberia, Missouri, departed this life, May 25. Marvin Sutterfield, Farmington, Missouri died May 28, from complications arising from surgery for removal of a lung affected by cancer.... Brethren, your help is urgently requested in a case of special need. A young lad, David Clapp sustained a serious eye injury as the result of a firecracker thrown by another boy. It is possible the sight may be saved, but his mother is unable to bear the great expense of eye surgery and hospitalization. Will you help by sending a gift to aid in this time of need? This is a worthy case. Send to Mrs. Louise Clapp, Oakland, Illinois.... We think you should really use Teacher's New Testament with Notes. The text is the King Tames Version, and the notes on each page are helpful. The price is $3.50 per copy.... Ellis Crum reports one restored, one im-mersed at 26th and Spruce Street, Kansas City, Missouri. He has just concluded a meeting at Powell, Wyoming.... Is your congregation contributing to the support of a gospel preacher? If not, will you consider helping a young man while he is in training with Ellis Crum? If so, write Victor Richards, Box 222, Kendallville, Indiana. Are you really sincere in restoring and supporting the Lord's way of developing brethren for service, or would you prefer for someone else to do it?... Jim Mabery is to conduct vacation studies at Fenton and Webster Groves, Missouri, the latter July 6-17.... Nell and Carolyn Houser did all of the addressing and wrapping of the last issue of Mission Messenger during my absence from the city. I am grateful for this aid.... The congregation at 2907 Dean Avenue, Des Moines, Iowa, will hold its annual all day meeting, July 26, with the theme, "Modern Day Enemies of the Church." Those who attend are requested to prepare short talks on this theme. Basket dinner will be served at Pioneer Park at noon.... J. W. Watts, an elder at Flat River, Missouri, and father-in-law of the editor, has been seriously ill and hospitalized recently.... Harold Shasteen conducted a meeting and children's study at Shelbyville, Illinois, starting June 15.... We regret to report the death of Mrs. James Montgomery, Kirksville, Missouri, June 5.... Two immersed at Pekin, Illinois, recently.... One restored at Brookport, Illinois, May 31.... One added by membership transfer at Compton, California, May 17.... Please send in your renewals promptly.

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