[Page 12]
     The study at Colorado Springs was a thrilling experience shared by brethren from many states who are indebted to the local congregation for unbounded hospitality. Vernon Hurst presided over all the meetings in excellent fashion. The presentations of Dean Garrison and John Fleener were excellent examples of Outstanding research. The spirit of the meeting was encouraging and betokens better things for the future.

[Page 14]
     Bro. Roy Loney, 927 Louisiana Ave., Lawrence, Kansas, asks us to mention that he can furnish you the six page folder "The Only Safe Guide in Religion" at two cents per copy. In preparation is a new book of outlines suitable for group study or for use in making short talks. The price will be 50c per copy, and our brother will appreciate advance orders. You may write to him as above, and we urge you to do so now.

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