Prince Edward Island

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     Benjamin Franklin, the gospel preacher, visited Prince Edward Island, in the last century, and while there immersed several into Christ. It was our privilege to visit the same island during August, when we were guests in the summer cottage of Dr. Malcolm Beck and his good wife, Shirley. There are 11 congregations meeting on the island, all of which use instrumental music. Most of the membership of these are of Scotch or English stock. Through the kindness of Bro. Beck, it was our privilege to converse at length with elders and preachers of some of the congregations, and we discussed our varied concepts in an atmosphere of friendliness and with brotherly spirit. A highlight of the trip to me was an afternoon spent with Norman McLeod, 92 years of age, but with a brilliant mind and a photographic memory. This aged saint, who has been a lobster fisherman, farmer, and merchant, as well as having represented his district in the provincial legislature, has spent years in the study of the sacred volume. We found ourselves in agreement upon many features of our interpretation of the language of the Spirit. Bro. MacLeod is one of the very few men we have met who can read the Gaelic translation and speak in that tongue. The contact with brethren from Charlottetown (capital of the province), Montague, and Murray River, was refreshing. Bro. and Sister Schlieper of Hartford, Illinois, accompanied Nell and myself on the trip, and we trust that the visit with the brethren in this beautiful island of the Maritimes will prove to be profitable in the cause of Christ.

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