The Revolution
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Many brethren and congregations are doing the same thing today. Great changes are taking place in the religious world. Protestantism is being shaken to its foundations. Eminent theologians are rediscovering great truths concerning the church, baptism, the priesthood of all believers, and the ministry of all the saints. There is a tremendous stirring in the hearts of earnest men. What contribution is being made by the heirs of the glorious movement which sought to spark these very changes? Many are wholly oblivious to what is going on. They have shut themselves in and locked the door. They have closed their eyes and stopped their ears.
This is the greatest opportunity in more than a century to present a constructive program to those who ask for it. But most of the brethren are grinding grist from the same old traditional sermon outlines regardless of their inapplicability to the needs of this hour. Inside of partisan walls they feel secure and undisturbed as did Rip Van Winkle in the mountain forest. They even resent those who go as free men among all peoples, and look with suspicion upon those who move without fear in circles they dare not visit.
But the old days of partisan alignment and factional bitterness are doomed. The era in which the loyalty of men to Jesus was judged by the paper which they read is "gone with the wind." The handwriting is on the wall. Satan will do all he can to maintain the strife, envy, hatred and bigotry of yesteryear, but God's people can no longer indulge in the luxury of schism and division over men and parties. There is a revolution in our thinking that is long overdue. The children of the Father are learning the power of love and it is surging through their veins with a new spiritual vitality. They are learning how to treat each other. The tyranny and force once accepted in supine and servile obedience to men will no longer be the means of achieving spiritual ends. We feel sorry for those who are asleep in the Catskills while the battle for freedom is being waged in the valleys. Things will look different when they awaken from their slumber and return to the familiar scenes and find what a wonderful change God hath wrought!
"Like a mighty army moves the church of God! Brethren, we are treading where the saints have trod!" Let our hearts be filled with zeal, our tongues be aflame for God, and our lives a constant witness for truth. Did you enlist to serve or to slumber? Will grumbling and complaining achieve His purpose? The Master is calling! Arise!