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      Many of our readers believe that the article "Drifting and Dreaming" which appeared in Restoration Review should be placed in the hands of every concerned person in the Church of Christ and Christian Churches. Accordingly we are having an attractive reprint, which you can secure for 10¢ per copy, or $6.00 per 100. We'll pay postage. Help us circulate this message.... You should write to Dean Garrison, Box 276, Farmington, New Mexico, and enclose 35¢ for a sample copy of "The Everlasting Covenant." We regret to report the death of Sister Emma Patton, Beaver Dam, Kentucky, formerly of Canalou, Missouri, December 13.... Vernon Hurst was at Lewis, Kansas, December 27.... Hershel Ottwell conducted a Bible study at Nebo, Illinois, Jan. 17 - 29 and is scheduled to be in a like study at Anderson, Indiana, during the spring months.... Bernie Crum immersed two at Bicknell, Indiana, December 13.... You can secure a copy of "A Biblical Survey of Marriage and Divorce" by sending 25¢ to J. Ervin Waters, Route 4, Box 361, San Angelo, Texas.... Philip Thomas, Rfd 2, Box 207, Niangua, Missouri, has a complete six volume set of Zerr Commentary on Old and New Testaments, like new, which he will sell. Write at once!... One immersed at Compton, California, December 9.... Donald Jacobson and Myrna Riggins Thompson were united in marriage at Compton, December 21, with Lloyd Riggins officiating... A goodly number attended the Saturday forum at Hartford, Illinois, December 19, when Leroy Garrett and the editor discussed "Pure Speech as an Essential to Unity" and submitted to questions for several hours following addresses. The next forum, scheduled for January 16, was to be on the topic, "Does God Still Work in History?"... Roy Harris, Cawker City, Kansas, has prepared a series of 26 brief outlines for use in edification, intended especially for beginners and those with limited ability. You can have one of these merely by writing to Roy and requesting it.... One immersed into Christ at Farmington, New Mexico, Decernber 13.... We regret to record the death of Bro. Earl Brantley, Dallas, Texas, December 18.... Bernie Crum will hold a two weeks meeting in Shippensburg, Pennsylvania, starting the last of April.... A Bible study of two weeks duration will be held at "The Arrowhead of Ball Lake" in Indiana, during the summer of 1960, with the congregation at Kendallville in charge. Raymond Birdwell, Farmington, New Mexico, underwent surgery recently but was reported as doing well.... Remember we will send you a copy of Wallace-Ketcherside St. Louis Debate for $1.00 plus 14¢ postage. This book generally retails for $3.00 per copy.... We are saddened to record the death of our aged preaching brother, A. W. Harvey, Bloomington, Indiana, January 4, after a long illness caused by a paralytic stroke. Arthur and Joan Jordan, St. Louis, Missouri, have a baby girl, Jenese Elaine, born December 30.... Terry Reece closed three weeks of services at Gallatin, Missouri, January 3. A goodly number attended the meeting on New Year's Eve, which continued until midnight.... Leroy Munger, Des Moines, Iowa, was hospitalized for a week for heart tests after having suffered severe pain from angina pectoris.... Jim Mabery immersed one into Christ at Webster Groves, Missouri, January 5.... A little group of saints meet for worship each Lord's Day in the Colonel's Conference Room at Dugway Proving Ground, Dugway, Utah... Darrell Bolin will start a two weeks meeting at New Liberty, near Windsor, Illinois, February 7.... Clinton and Mae Klein, Overland, Missouri, have a baby girl, Linda Sue, born December 29.... Reservations are already being made for

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the study at Farmington, New Mexico. See announcement on page 14.... Extra copies of this issue are being printed and will be mailed at the rate of twelve copies for $1.00, so that you may pass them to other members of the fellowship of the concerned ones.... Tom Hill, Madison, Tennessee, underwent an operation to remove the fluid from about his heart, following which the lining began to grow to the heart. For seven weeks he took 36 to 41 pills daily, plus a shot of streptomycin, and he is still on heavy medication, with the prospect that additional surgery may be required to remove the lining from about the heart. Your earnest prayers are solicited for this brother and his family.... As we prepared this material for the press, Bro. E. M. Zerr was still in a coma, his condition virtually unchanged since his automobile accident at Martinsville, Indiana, October 29. Our aged brother is in a nursing home at New Castle, Indiana, and we urge that all of the saints pray for him.... A study during the Christmas vacation, 1960, is planned for Valdosta, Georgia. Teachers will be Jim Mabery and W. Carl Ketcherside. We urge you to plan your vacation so as to take advantage of this occasion. Further information will be furnished later in the year.... If you have not secured a copy of "History of the Church Through the Ages" you are missing something. We will send you one for $5.00.... The congregation meeting at 7121 Manchester Avenue, St. Louis, is arranging an all day meeting for Saturday, February 20, of special interest to high school and college students, as well as teachers in the public schools. The meeting will begin with a brief devotional at 9:00 a. m., followed by talks by Jim Mabery and W. Carl Ketcherside. In the afternoon there will be a question and answer session. At 7:30 p. m., a song rally, followed by a special film, after which there will be a 30-minute devotional period. The following day there will be a song rally at Webster Groves. All who wish to attend should write at once to Milton Sterrett, 6231 Wilson, Saint Louis 10, Missouri.

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