William Hensley and family now live in Chillicothe, Missouri, where
Brother Hensley will work with surrounding congregations. He labored with the brethren at
Bogard, Missouri, the final week of January.... We regret to report the death of Ruth Ann Meyer
who departed this life January 12. Funeral services were conducted at Bonne Terre, Missouri, by
Jim Mabery.... E. M. Smith, Denver, Colorado, underwent surgery for removal of a
non-malignant growth in his throat, January 15.... Our sister in Christ, Mrs. James Johnson, of
Crystal City, Missouri, underwent serious surgery in Saint Louis, January 19. Bro. Johnson is an
elder at Festus, Missouri.... Capacity crowds were present at Fourth and George Streets,
Brookport, Illinois, for three lectures by the editor, January 20-22, with several preachers from
Church of Christ and Christian Churches in attendance. Bernie Crum and family were present
from Bicknell, Indiana, and Bro. Crum directed the singing. He immersed one into Christ the
first night of the series. Gordon Kerr, of Brookport, who is now a state senator, has announced
his candidacy for United States congressman.... Dave Partee and Joyce Ezell, Granite City,
Illinois, were united in marriage by Hershel Ottwell, January 15.... William and Bessie McCann,
Hartford, Illinois, celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary, January 10. All of their seven
children except one son, Basil, of Billings, Montana, were home for the occasion.... We are sorry
to report that our sister, Mrs. M. S. Whitehead, Atmore, Alabama, underwent surgery in
Montgomery.... Bro. Harold Baines, East Ardsley, Yorkshire, England, sends greetings to all of
the brethren in the United States, and assures us that he remembers our efforts for unity in his
prayers. He informs us that the attendance at Morley, where he worships, remains steady....
Lloyd Riggins has been working with the brethren at Oakland, California.... Robert Sankey, one
of the elders at Compton, California, was 77 years old on January 26.... Jim Mabery is
conducting a series of training classes for personal workers at Overland, Missouri, with 36
present for the first session. We think you'd appreciate two books by William Barclay. They are
Letters to the Seven Churches, and his newest one, The Master's Men. They are
$2.00 each.... John Breakell, Wollaton, Nottinghamshire, England, reports that our aged
preaching brother, Walter Crosthwaite, is doing well for his age. Bro. Crosthwaite has been a
tower of strength to the work in Great Britain in years past.... We are saddened to announce the
death of Troy Felton, Newton, Iowa, Jan.21.... Excellent crowds were present for the three
sessions conducted by the editor at 630 North Main Street, Nevada, Missouri, January 27-29.
Brethren had widely advertised the meetings, and arranged for three speeches on the local radio
station. Jim Mabery directed the singing. Elders at Nevada are Salem Wood, Glenn Smith, and
Clifton Ephland.... We regret to report the death of Hines Jones, Blue Ridge, Georgia, Jan. 8.
Our brother was a regular reader of MISSION MESSENGER and frequently wrote us words of
encouragement.... There were 177 present for the afternoon singing at Fenton, Missouri, January
31, which marked the first anniversary of the planting of the work there. Speakers at the morning
session were Carl Dalton, Delmar Dalton, Jim Mabery, and Jerry Ketcherside.... Darrell Bolin,
134 Susquehanna Ave., Lock Haven, Pennsylvania, has produced an excellent special issue of
"Bible Thots" dealing with the subject of soul and spirit, and life after death. This 12 page issue
would be very helpful for any who are interested in the theme. It will be the privilege
of the editor to labor with Bro. Bolin and the congregation at Mount Eagle, Pennsylvania,
starting April 24.... Bro. Bolin was with brethren at Shillington, Pennsylvania, Jan. 19-25, during
which time he also spoke to brethren at Reading.... Do you want to do a real good deed to help
someone? Please send a card to Sylvia Davis, Senath, Missouri. This sister has suffered untold
agony from cancer, having been in the hospital seven times. Her body has literally been cut to
pieces in an attempt to stay the ravages of the dread killer. It will mean so much if you will
remember her in her helpless state.... We have a four volume set of Old Testament Commentary,
by E. M. Zerr, which we will sell for $10.00, because the covers on these books are soiled. The
content of each is not affected, and this is a real bargain. Some of the books are getting in short
supply. This set will go to the first one writing in and enclosing the amount mentioned....
Franklin Marlowe, of Dallas, Texas, and Jean Asendorf, of Fairbury, Nebraska, were united in
marriage at Fairbury, February 5.... Homer Matson, Jefferson, Oregon, immersed his daughter,
Marilyn, on January 31.... A late communication from Vernon Hurst, tells us he has moved to
Cody, Wyoming, 53 miles east of Yellowstone National Park. A great field of service is open
unto him in that area. Vernon can be reached by addressing him at Box 622, Cody, Wyoming....
Is there a young man who has the courage to work in a hard field during vacation from college,
and who has an intense desire to further the Cause? If so, please contact S. M. Davis, Rfd 3, Box
329E, Clarksburg, West Virginia.... We will still send you a copy of the Wallace - Ketcherside
Debate book for $1.00 plus 14c postage. The book retails elsewhere for $3.00 per copy....
Thomas Dennis closed a meeting at Kirksville, Missouri, on February 5.... We regret to chronicle
the death of Stevie, little son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Nolan, Sullivan, Illinois, February 9.... A
letter from Bro. J. Holmes, Goole, Yorkshire, England informs us that Bro. Wintersgill, of East
Ardsley, celebrated his 90th birthday, January 21. This aged brother still serves in a public
capacity in the congregation. Bro. Holmes, whose good letters are a source of real strength and
encouragement, is almost eighty years of age.... Bro. and Sister Harley Spencer, Lawrence,
Kansas, celebrated their 56th wedding anniversary, February 1.... We will appreciate hearing
from those who need extra copies of the paper for distribution to friends and brethren.... We
regret to report the death of Virgil Atwell, Warrensburg, Missouri. Bro. Atwell was an elder of
the congregation.... On February 10, the condition of Bro. E. M. Zerr was unchanged, and he was
still in a coma fifteen weeks after his automobile accident.... Beverly Ann Geiling and Donald
Brown were united in marriage by the bride's father, Feb. 6, at Champaign, Illinois.... James
Mabery will be the speaker at the special opening service of the new building, of the
congregation located at 9th and Krauss Sts., Eldon, Missouri, March 6, and will continue a
meeting for one week following.... We extend sincere sympathy to Gladys Potts, Neoga, Illinois,
who reports the death of her father on Jan. 18.... We regret to report the death of Henry Jones,
Bloomfield, Iowa, January 31. Bro. Jones bad served as sheriff of Davis County, Iowa, for two
terms.... Jack Kinser has moved to Champaign, Illinois, where be is laboring with the West Side
congregation.... Darrell Bolin reports good attendance in his meeting at New Liberty, near
Windsor, Illinois.... We think you would profit by reading "The Yoke of Christ," newest sermon
book by Elton Trueblood, which is $3.00 per copy.... Donald Brown and Ancel Rider were
appointed deacons at Sullivan, Illinois.
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