E. M. Zerr

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     E. M. Zerr passed from this life at New Castle, Indiana, February 22, having been in a coma for four months following an automobile accident at Martinsville, Indiana. He was 82 years old on October 15. Bro. Zerr was born in Illinois, but grew up near Hale and Bosworth, Missouri. He was baptized in Grand River in 1894, at the age of 17, and two years later began preaching near Green Valley, Illinois. In 1900 he married Carrie Hill, at Hillsboro, Indiana, and of their four children, three survive: a son, Stafford; and two daughters, Mrs. Harold Carpenter and Mrs. John Shirk. Sister Zerr died November 2, 1941. Bro. Zerr conducted more than 75 protracted studies of the Bible, the first being at Palmyra, Indiana, through arrangement of Bro. A. W. Harvey, who also died recently. For a number of years he was query editor for the Apostolic Review. In later years he was a columnist for MISSION MESSENGER. We were privileged to print his large volume "New Testament Questions" and his six volume Bible Commentary, the only Old Testament commentary by one in the disciple brotherhood. Our family will greatly miss this aged brother who frequently visited us and stayed in our home. We share the sorrow of his family and the congregations throughout the land. Funeral services were conducted at New Castle, February 25.

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