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     Dean and Mary Garrison, Farmington, New Mexico, have a son, Norman Lee, born Feb. 9.... Stuart and Roberta Shelton, Compton, California, have a son Russell Lee, born Feb. 6.... Abe Vermillion, Riverside, California, suffered a broken ankle which will make it impossible for him to work for three months.... Cleona Harvey, Speedway City, Indiana, reports that she is doing well after major surgery.... Mary Acree, California, entered the hospital, February 14, for major surgery.... Arrangements are being made by the Farmington, New Mexico, congregation to secure use of the small auditorium at the Fair Grounds for use during the study to to be held June 26 through July 4.... We regret to report the death of Sister Leta Betz, Asherville, Kansas, January 16.... Nelda Gingerich, Kirksville, Missouri, underwent major surgery, February 8.... Thomas Dennis closed a series of development classes at Kirksville on February 5. Terry Reece will speak there morning and evening March 6.... Bro. Reece held a series of meetings at Brookfield, Missouri, during February.... Sam Lawing, of Kansas City, Missouri, spoke at Webster Groves, February 21. On the same date, Henry Boren, of Carbondale, Illinois, spoke at Oak Hill Chapel; Carl Painter, of Flat River, Missouri, spoke at Manchester Avenue; and Stanley Carpenter, of Terre Haute, Indiana, spoke at Lillian Avenue, all in Saint Louis.... Funeral services for Jesse LeGrand were held at lat River, Missouri, February 24.... The congregation at Flat River held a song rally February 28.... We are recipients of interesting letters from Bros. J. B. Kendrick, Wigan, England, and Sidney Harbottle, Leicester, England. It is refreshing indeed to hear from saints in other parts of the world..... Ellis Crum conducted a study in James and Jonah at Kendallville, Indiana, Feb. 15 - 26. He will be with the brethren at Springfield, Missouri, starting April 10.... Bernie Crum immersed one at Bicknell, Indiana, Feb.21. He reports a young people's meeting scheduled for March 28, at Vincennes, Indiana.... Would you like to teach school in an excellent town where the superintendent is a member of the church, and where you could be of service to the congregation? If so, please write to the editor and your letter will be forwarded.... We are saddened by reports of the death of Sister Pearl M. Land, Hot Springs, Arkansas, February 15; and of Brother Jim Vermillion, Riverside, California, February 22.... Two added by membership transfer at Compton, California, February 21.... Borden Higginbotham will be at Peoria, Illinois, April 1 through June; then will teach in the study at Independence, Missouri, and will be at Old Lamine, Missouri, the last two weeks in July.... Vernon Hurst immersed a Roman Catholic couple into Christ, at Cody, Wyoming, March 2.... Dean Garrison and Jack Wheat spoke to a group at Thoreau, New Mexico, February 29.... A song rally was held at Ottawa, Kansas, February 21.... Raymond and Thelma Whanger, Lawrence, Kansas, have a son, born February 10.... The subject for the two day discussion at Manchester Avenue Church, Saint Louis, April 23, 24 will be "The Stability of the Home in a Changing World." Speakers will be James Mabery, Leroy Garrett, Virgil Staples, W. Carl Ketcherside, Bob Duncan and Henry Boren. The film "Dust and Destiny" will be shown on Saturday night. If you would like to have a complete program address your request to Milton Sterrett, 6231 Wilson, Saint Louis 10, Missouri.... We have another set of Old Testament Commentary, by E. M. Zerr, which has soiled covers and which we will send you for $10.00 for the set of four books. This is another real bargain. Some of these volumes are getting in short supply....

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On Feb.14 seven of the young brethren conducted the entire service in the evenning at Ballygomartin congregation in Belfast, and did the same at Berlin Street congregation, Feb.24.... Bernie Crum conducted funeral services for Harry Newton at Canalou, Missouri, Feb.29.... We regret to report the death in an automobile crash, of Bro. Stanley Boone, Farmington, New Mexico.... John Breakell, Wollaton, Nottingham, writes that he will be one of the speakers at the anniversary of the Ulverston (England) congregation the last week in April.... W. Carl Ketcherside will be in Bible studies with the Odessa (Texas) congregation for one week, starting March 30.... William Hendren conducted the ceremony which united in marriage James Johnston and Gertrude Hendren, at Belfast, North Ireland, February 6.... The anniversary meeting of the Pomona, California, congregation was held on March 6.... Ronnie, the four year old son of Stuart and Roberta Shelton, Compton, California, underwent an appendectomy the first week in March, but is doing well.... If you are considering ordering new pews for the meetinghouse, be sure and contact Ellis Crum, Box 222, Kendaliville, Indiana, who represents the Faucett-Umphery Company.... Brethren meeting on East Gordon Street, Valdosta, Georgia, have just completed remodelling their building. They are anxious to have you attend their Bible study during the Christmas vacation period. It will be conducted by Jim Mabery and W. Carl Ketcherside. Valdosta is near the Florida line.... Wilford Landes labored with the congregation at Lawrence, Kansas, during the week starting March 6.... Albert Winstanley, of Tunbridge Wells, England, conducted a mission for the brethren at Blackburn, March 5 - 7. Through a fortunate arrangement with the school system, his children were allowed to attend school at Blackburn during this period, so that Jean and the family were able to accompany him.... Let us mention again that if you'd like a copy of the Wallace-Ketcherside St. Louis Debate on the work of evangelists and Bible colleges, you may secure one for $1.00 plus 14c postage. But you should send at once if you want one for your library. The supply is limited.... A preaching brother laboring in California writes: "So far as I am able to judge by what little I know about the Bible your last two issues are rotten to the core." We are thankful that not all of our readers agree with this brother's evaluation.... A goodly number attended the Saturday discussion at Hartford, Illinois, March 12. Leroy Garrett gave a thorough review of matters relating to the Dead Sea Scrolls and the sect of Essenes who made up the Qumran Community. W. Carl Ketcherside spoke on the origin of the Pharisees and Sadducees, and the differences in their philosophy. A question period followed. The next discussion to be led by W. Carl Ketcherside will be April 9, on the topic "Factors Contributing to the Spread of Christianity.... Victor Richards reports immersing ten persons recently, seven of whom were Catholics and Mexicans from Juarez. Vic and Gloria live at El Paso, Texas.... One mail brought notice of seven sons born to six couples as follows: James and Shirley Van Etten, Hartford (Ill.), James Philip; Loren and Faye Ottwell, Pittsfield (Ill.), Philip Loren; Leo and Patsy Boyd, Granite City (Ill.) twins, Rickey Leo and Randy Leo; Edward and Glenda Martin, Granite City, Charles Glen; Norman and Dorothy Gardner, Granite City, Scott Curtis; Russell and Sylvia Robins, Granite City, Stephen Rambo.... Norma Jo Adams, Lesterville, Missouri, underwent surgery in St. Louis, March 14.... W. Carl Ketcherside will conduct a series of meetings for a congregation of colored disciples in St. Louis, starting April 10.

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