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     Buff Scott, Jr., Gallipolis, Ohio, is working with the mentally ill at a new medical-surgical hospital, having graduated as a psychiatric aide. He is also seeking to advance the cause of Christ by a series of weekly articles in the local paper, thus laboring to reach the souls of men while making his living at secular labor.... The Bailey family at Chillicothe, Missouri, arranged a reunion over July 4. Bernie Crum performed the wedding ceremonies to unite Thomas Wilson and Rose Dardeen, Vincennes, Indiana, May 8; and John Albright and Nancy Mundy, Bicknell, Indiana, June 18.... Bob White, Excelsior Springs, Missouri, has signed a contract to teach school in the area, starting next fall.... We have seen a copy of the format for the program "The Upward Way" presented at 9:30 a. m. each Lord's Day, over KFMJ, Tulsa, Oklahoma, and which is advertised as "A radio program dedicated to the unity of all believers in Christ." We commend the little band of brethren, whose sacrifices are making this presentation possible.... The congregation of Fredericktown, Missouri, had an all day meeting, July 17. Elders are Lloyd Davis, Albert Kennedy and Sam Ream.... We are pleased to report that John Fleener is making satisfactory progress after serious surgery to correct a back injury suffered as the result of an automobile crash more than two years ago. His address is 2047 East Prairie St., Decatur, Illinois.... Jim Mabery labored with brethren at Beech Grove, Arkansas, July 7 - 14.... We have a few sets of shelf soiled copies of the Old Testament Commentaries, by E. M. Zerr, for $10.00 plus 39c postage. We urge you to send for a set of these at once, for they are getting in very short supply.... Albert Winstanley reports an excellent series of meetings in the annual Bible school at Hindley, England, where F. C. Day was principal speaker. Albert labored with brethren at Scholes, Wigan, the latter part of June.... While en route to the west we learned that Bro. Roy Cogdill, Nacogdoches, Texas, had suffered the loss of his companion. Sister Cogdill had been seriously ill with heart trouble for a number of months. Our sincere sympathy is extended.... Kurt Blum, Bern, Switzerland, immersed two during his meeting at Wurzburg, Germany.... Donald Smitley and Janet Rambo, Hartford, Illinois, were married June 18; Nels Turnquist, Des Moines, Iowa, and Margie Schlieper, Hartford, Illinois, were married June 26.... Three were added at Granite City, Illinois, in June.... The editor immersed four into Christ at Farmington, New Mexico, July 3.... We would like to send you the book "Small Sects in America" for $3.00, or, if you prefer, "Handbook of Denominations in the United States" for $2.95. Both are interesting and informative.... Hershel Ottwell labored effectively at Shelbyville, Illinois, during June, and will return to assist them in January and June of 1961.... Jack Kinser assisted the congregations at New Liberty and Sullivan, Illinois, in vacation studies in June, following which he assisted brethren at Advance, Missouri, in a daily study and gospel meeting.... Joanne Scott reports that Roy Loney spoke at Old Scotland, near Gallatin, Missouri, June 19.... Fred Killebrew and Dale Sterrett assisted brethren at Albuquerque, New Mexico, July 3.... We regret to report the death of our sister in Christ, Pattie May Colwell, 75, whose funeral service was conducted at Long Beach, California, June 25. She had been a member of the one body for about 58 years.... Herbert Hatfield has been traveling with and assisting Jim Mabery in the service of the Lord.... Brethren at Louisiana, Missouri, need a lift in the construction of their new building. They have been doing much of the hard labor themselves, and with approximately a

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thousand dollars, they can bring their structure to completion. The loan made with the bank they intend to handle themselves without additional aid. Any contribution should be sent to W. A. Bolomey, 10th and Maryland, Louisiana, Missouri.... Jerry Reece, Lucille Lindquist, Hattie Childers, Carol Wilson, and Debris Wallace taught in the vacation study at Kirksville, Missouri.... Readers of this paper will be saddened by news of the death of W. Curtis Porter, who departed this life in a Memphis, Tennessee, hospital, July 5. He had suffered from a rare and incurable blood condition since 1942, although he courageously carried on his work until the last.... The congregation meeting at 26th and Spruce Streets, Kansas City, Missouri, will transfer to a new location, having sold their building at the location where they have met for more than a half century.... If you have not yet subscribed for "The Christian Youth" edited by Dean R. Garrison, 1615 West Apache, Farmington, New Mexico, we urge you to do so at once. Why not send subscriptions to all young people in the congregation where you attend? The cost is but $1.00 per year, or 75c each in clubs of ten or more.... While you are at it, we suggest you also write to Hershel Ottwell, Box 122, Hartford, Illinois, for a sample copy of "Torch of Truth."... We urge all brethren who can go to attend the study at Arrowhead of Ball Lake, August 15 - Sept. 5. Victor Richards, El Paso, Texas, will teach on "Faith in a Faithless World"; James Reid will teach on "Growing Up in Christ"; H. R. Miller will conduct special classes for children. Information should be secured at once from Ellis Crum, Box 222, Kendallville, Indiana. Plan now to attend!... The editor conducted funeral services for our aged Sister Moore, of the Flat River, Missouri, congregation, July 9.... Willard Young, St. Louis, Missouri suffered two acute heart attacks and is confined to Jewish Hospital at present. He is a member at Oak Hill Chapel, St. Louis.... C. R. Turner will conduct a one week meeting at Compton, California, starting August 7, to be followed by two weeks of vacation Bible study. It was necessary for Bro. Turner to undergo surgery for a blood clot, following the boating accident which claimed the life of Raymond Weekly, as reported on page 15, of our last issue.... Delmar Dalton, Flat River, Missouri, is assisting the congregation at Goodwater, on the third Lord's Day of each month.... We regret to report the death on July 7, of our aged Sister Young, at Springfield, Missouri. She was the mother of Roy Harris, well known evangelist and song director.... Our hearts also go out to the Inous Wisenbaker family, Vadosta, Georgia. Bro. Wisenbaker died of a heart attack, June 30. Funeral services were conducted by Charles Brown.... Lawrence Swearingin closed a meeting at Norwalk, California, July 17.... A. C. Warren conducted funeral services for our aged sister, Martha E. Jones, 80, who passed away June 30, at Farmington, New Mexico.... Charles Willbanks, First Christian Church, Eighth and Main Street, Rolla, Missouri, informs us that Ozark Evangelistic Men's Fellowship, has been invited to attend on the night of September 16, when the editor will speak on "The Basis of Fellowship."... Lloyd Riggins assisted the congregation at Riverside, California, July 10.... A. C. Warren immersed two at Farmington, New Mexico, July 10.... Are you doing anything of a definite nature to help further the cause of Restoration? Do you read the paper as if printed for yourself alone? Will you not assist by sending in a list of subscribers? This is a task in which all of us should share!

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