Galesburg Meeting

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     The congregation meeting at 1591 East Losey Street, on Route 34, Galesburg, Illinois, invites interested men and women of all faiths to share in a study and discussion of current religious problems, September 10 and 11. Jim Mabery, W. Carl Ketcherside, and other brethren, will present messages and lead in the investigations. The first meeting will be Saturday, September 10, at 2:00 p. m. The evening meal will be served by sisters of the congregation. There will be a Saturday evening meeting at 7:30 o'clock, and services Sunday morning and afternoon. The afternoon meeting will be a forum on fellowship led by Bro. Ketcherside. Basket dinner will he served at noon. The congregation will care for those who wish to stay over Saturday night. Write at once to E. W. Smith, 134 Ohio Avenue, Galesburg, Illinois, or call him at Dickens 3-5634.

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