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     C. R. Turner assisted the brethren at Gallatin, Missouri, July 17 and Wilford Landes was with them, July 24.... Frank Everman, 87, Bloomington, Indiana, had a cataract removed from his right eye, and later became quite ill as a result of angina spasms. He is the father of Cleona Harvey, Indianapolis, Indiana.... Four added at Wallis and Trescott, Sts., Overland, Missouri, recently.... Five were added at Ellington, Missouri, July 31.... Lawrence Swearingin concluded a good series of meetings at Norwalk, California, July 17.... V. M. Foltz, and wife, Hale, Missouri, are on a tour of Europe.... Sally and Lindell Grosvenor, Saint Louis, Missouri, have a son, Philip Lynn, born July 22.... Frederick David Kreeger and Jacqueline Jo Rhoades were married at Pomona, California, August 5.... Brethren everywhere are asked to arrange their vacations so they may attend the Bible study which will be conducted in the Yellowstone National Park area, next summer, and which will be held in the week preceding the Fourth of July. Further announcement will be forthcoming.... Hershel Ottwell was at Holliday, Illinois, July 31 - Aug.12, after which he directed a vacation Bible study at Hartford, Illinois. He is now working with the brethren at Bloomfield, Missouri.... The brethren at Louisiana, Missouri, are putting the finishing touches on their new meetinghouse.... We regret to report that Bettie Hurst was suffering from partial facial paralysis, with the doctors unable to determine the exact cause. Vernon and Bettie receive their mail at Box 622, Cody, Wyoming.... We regret to record the death of Sister Nell Fryer, who died in Denver, Colorado, July 19. Funeral services were conducted in California, by Lloyd Riggins.... Three added by membership transfer at Fenton, Missouri, July 31.... Jim Mabery reports 5 added at Kansas City, Missouri; 1 added at Beech Grove, Arkansas; and 1 at Valdosta, Georgia, in his work at those places.... Bro. Mabery appointed George Morrison to the eldership at Valdosta, Georgia. George Moulton is also an elder of that congregation.... Jack Kinser held an excellent vacation study and meeting at Advance, Missouri. Bro. Kinser will teach school in Mansfield, Illinois, during this next year.... We have received notice of the following births in the Fenton-Webster Groves (Missouri) area: Dick and Mabel Atwell, a son, John Emery, July 7; Alvin and Reba Cobb, a daughter, Patricia, July 8; Leo and Shirley Uebel, a daughter, Carol Sue, July 18; Harold and Marion Billington, a son, Stephen Michael, July 27.... Our aged brother and sister, Mn and Mrs. Harry Houser, 402 East Jackson Street, Sullivan, Illinois, celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary, August 29.... One was immersed at DeSoto, Missouri, July 31.... We regret to report that our elderly sister, Mrs. Lena LaRose, Crystal City, was quite ill as we composed this news for publication.... Paul Osborne reports in his very attractive little "Christian Crusader" that four young people were recently immersed at Hammond, Illinois.... Johnson's Peoples New Testament With Notes has now been combined into one volume, complete and unabridged. You can have this attractive book with notes and comments on the new covenant scriptures for only $5.00 per copy.... Jim and Pat Lourwood, Saint Louis, Missouri, have a son, James Winford, born July 26.... Ronald Hasten, 1203 Oakdale Street, Springfield, Illinois, is publishing a monthly mimeographed letter titled "The Light" for distribution in the area of the congregation meeting at 1015 South First Street. It is neat and good.... The Bible study conducted at Independence Missouri, had an average daily attendance of 67, with capacity crowds present for the lecture series at night. A great interest was shown in the

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discussion of issues of current significance.... Elmer and Martha Crocker, Overland, Missouri, have a son, James Richard, born August 4.... Archie Bailey, who underwent surgery at Saint Joseph, Missouri, was reported doing well. Bro. Bailey lives at Chillicothe, Missouri.... Lloyd Riggins, Long Beach, California, was also recovering in good shape from surgery but will be confined to his home for an indefinite period.... Donald Johnson and Dorothy Wigfield were united in marriage at Chillicothe, Missouri, July 23.... Ronald Lattimore and Marlene Parks were united in marriage at Saint Louis, Missouri, August 5; William Kimzey and Anne Fleischer were united in marriage at Saint Louis, August 6.... Buff Scott, Jr., wants all of his friends to know that his new address is 10 Berger Avenue, Gallipolis, Ohio.... Roy Harris reports that his vacation period was spent in studies at Phillipsburg, Kansas, and Bolivar, Pennsylvania. Two were added in this work. Roy also conducted a singing at Bridge, near Dexter, Missouri, and assisted in work at Brixey, Missouri; Greeley and Colorado Springs, Colorado.... Those who live in northern Missouri or southern Iowa may hear messages by William Hensley, each Saturday, 9:15 a. m., on KIRX, 1450 kilo-cycles; by Thomas Dennis, each Sunday, 7:15 a. m., on KMA, 960 kilocycles; and by Jerry Reece, each Sunday, 8:45 a. m., on KCOG, 1400 kilocycles.... Mabery reports an excellent attendance in vacation studies at Fenton, Missouri, closing August 12. He conducted a tent meeting following this study, then began vacation studies at Webster Groves.... We have received a thought provoking article from Vernon Hurst which we have scheduled for publication in the near future.... Willard Young, St. Louis, Missouri, has been returned home from the hospital where he spent seven weeks as the result of a heart attack.... Our mail indicates an increasing interest throughout the world in the study of the word of God, and a revival of concern about the major problems in the Christian realm. While we may differ in some instances as to the means of approach to such problems it is a healthful state of things when brethren are aroused from lethargy and begin to think. Let us allow them the same liberty to think, speak and act, which we demand for ourselves, and the future will be worked out to His glory.... We trust you will look forward to the three issues dealing with the subject of the Spirit of God in the Christian life. The first of these will be the November number. There will be papers you will want to share with all of your brethren, as well as friends and neighbors of all faiths.

     What part are you playing in the great crusade for unity of all believers through restoration of the ancient order? Do you merely send a dollar per year so you can read what others are doing? Do you pray for this effort? Do you share your paper with others? Do you seek to answer Jesus' prayer by your own labors?

     Please take note of the various meetings in which the editor will be engaged in the near future. It is our hope to be able to meet many of our new readers.

     Notify us of any change of address, in advance if possible. We solicit your help in this matter.
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