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John Fleener reports an excellent meeting at Decatur, Illinois, with Borden Higginbotham preaching.... Vic Richards reports a good 8-day meeting at El Paso, Texas, held by Carl Kitzmiller. Brother Richards immersed a Mexican woman in the Rio Grande River, Nov. 11.... Leroy Garrett writes that in this present mixed up world, the good we do will have to be measured in terms of inches rather than feet or yards.... W. C. Conrad, Ypsilanti, Michigan, states that he is in full accord with the article "A Sincere Offer" and hopes that it will be accepted in many places and full investigation made of our proposals for unity.... The editor concluded a good meeting at Beech Grove, Arkansas, November 22. The daily radio program on Station KDRS, Paragould, was very helpful to the meeting.... Edward Buttram reports that the congregations at Rockbridge and Brixey, Missouri, which have been estranged for a number of years, have now been reconciled, and are working together. We give thanks for such good news!... James L. Johnson, an elder at Festus, Missouri, writes that the congregation has more than doubled in membership in recent years, with four being immersed during the past month. The brethren have improved their property with an off street parking lot, and are starting to create a building fund with a view to erecting a building in a more suitable location as soon as convenient.... Lee Carter Maynard, Astoria, Illinois, says he always devours the paper at one sitting, and enjoyed the article "No Creed but Christ."... Carl and Dorothy Painter, Flat River, Missouri, have a baby girl, Carla Christine, born November 12.... The East Side congregation in Windsor, Ontario, Canada, has returned to the Curry Street congregation, believing that a combined witness will better serve the cause of Christ in that city.... Fred Killebrew appointed Wayne Jones and Roy Smith as elders at 5906 Kenwood Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri, and they will serve in conjunction with Sam Lawing, who has been in the office for several years ... Mrs. Newell C. Oaks reports a meeting at Roseville, Pennsylvania, with A. E. Wickham conducting.... Again we would like to recommend to young people the new books, Confidentially, Fellows! and Confidentially, Girlsl These are good and the cost is but $1.25 each ... A group of students in the State Teachers College, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, who call themselves Bereans, discussed the problem of Christian unity in a campus meeting, December 13. It is a wonderful thing for young people of this caliber to become interested in this great problem.... Mrs. William B. Weed, Arvada, Colorado, says the November issue was tops in her way of thinking.... If you did not get a copy of the last issue and wish to read the previous article about the Holy Spirit, please write us at once.... If you have not subscribed for "The Christian Youth" we urge you to do so at once. This monthly journal, edited by Dean Garrison, P. 0. Box 103, Farmington, New Mexico, will cost you but $1.00 per year. Every young Christian should have it.... Jerry Reece concluded a meeting at Martinstown, Missouri, Nov. 18 ... Hugo Earwood and Jeanne Marston, Shelbyville, Illinois, were married November 11.... The congregation at Pana, Illinois, is conducting a class for personal workers each fourth Sunday during the winter. Jim Mabery was with them from December 12-16.... Why not send for the new one volume edition of Johnson's Peoples New Testament with Notes, complete edition, only $5.00.... Hershel Ottwell conducted a two weeks meeting in Sullivan, Illinois, in October.... Darrell
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Bolin and Jack Kinser conducted a series of meetings with the brethren at Arthur, Illinois.... Hershel Ottwell is scheduled for a Bible study at Shelbyville, Illinois, during January.... You may be interested to know that the paper set a new circulation high for the December issue, surpassing the previous mark set in October. We are deeply grateful for all who are laboring to increase the circulation and extend the good work.... Ray Duffey conveys the welcome news that the congregation where he meets at Albuquerque, New Mexico, is increasing in number.... Albert Armes, Puxico, Missouri, says the paper stimulates his thinking and challenges his ideas, and he would not want to miss a copy.... Pearl Swisher, Clarinda, Iowa, says she has saved all of the copies on "Fellowship" and is now starting in to study them again in sequence.... Carol Bailey is returning to Missouri about the middle of December. He has been laboring with brethren in the Klamath Falls, Oregon, area.... Clair Sears is recuperating from an operation which he underwent n Denver, Colorado, November 29.... Two were immersed at Speedway City congregation, Indianapolis, Indiana, December 4... Jim Mabery was with the brethren at Mount View, near Iberia, Missouri, December 8-11.... Bro. Mabery will have charge of the study "Analysis of Acts" at Hartford, Illinois, January 14.... Our next issue will feature the article "Members of the Body." This will be a challenging presentation, and we urge you to be sure and read it carefully. You will want to share it with every other honest Bible student of your acquaintance.... The congregation at 7121 Manchester Avenue, Saint Louis, was host to the regional monthly song fest, on Sunday afternoon, December 18.... Consideration is being given to widening the influence of the plea for unity and restoration through use of radio in the Saint Louis area.... Martin Mitchum, an elder of First Christian Church, Rolla, Missouri, sends along interesting comments from various sources, upon the talk made there with reference to fellowship and unity of believers in Christ.... Do not forget the meetings at Sullivan, Indiana, scheduled for January 14, 15. It appears that we'll have a large audience composed of representatives of several segments of the disciple brotherhood.... Please send in your renewal in advance of expiration. Why not send it now, so you will not miss one issue of the paper?