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     We are very anxious to have all of our readers secure a copy of the thesis "Worthy of God" which was produced O. H. Tallman, 566 Taylor Avenue, Oradell, New Jersey. Read this very carefully and prayerfully. It will do something for you.... Our aged brother, O. C. Dobbs, Birmingham, Alabama passed away December 1 as a result of cancer of the stomach. Bro. Dobbs was a founder of the truss company which bore his name. The editor will miss this good friend a great deal.... Loren McCord writes that Paul Ketcherside held a good meeting in Phillipsburg, Kansas in November.... Don Smith, Anchorage, Alaska liked the articles "No Creed But Christ" and "Opinions and Unity" in the November issue. He reports an excellent preaching rally in Anchorage on Thanksgiving Day, and informs us that all who spoke were faithful readers of Mission Messenger.... Lloyd Riggins has been conducting a study each Thursday night at Norwalk, California on "The Holy Spirit." We congratulate these brethren on their topic choice.... There now remain only 80 copies of the book "The Royal Priesthood" by W. Carl Ketcherside. This book will not be returned to print after this edition is gone. Those who wish to secure a copy for the years ahead must order soon. The price is only $2.50 per copy.... Brethren in Birmingham, England plan to start building soon on their new meetinghouse. Their previous building was completely destroyed in a Nazi bombing raid almost twenty years ago. The next Saturday study at Hartford, Illinois, will be held February 11, 9:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m., on the subject "The Epistles of Paul." James Mabery will conduct the session which will feature a background of all of the Pauline epistles, and will serve as foundation for further research. The meeting on March 11 will deal with "The Epistles of John."... We are grateful to the editors of American Christian Review, Indianapolis, Indiana and Word and Work, Louisville, Kentucky for announcing the meeting at Sullivan, Indiana in their journals.... You may be interested to learn that the January issue again set a new record for circulation, the third such record in four months.... We are anxious to build up our readership in Canada. Will some of our brethren in our sister nation to the north send us the names of brethren who would be interested in receiving sample copies of the paper? The cost per year for a subscription is one Canadian dollar bill.... Two were restored at Webster Groves, one added by membership transfer at Oak Hill Chapel, St. Louis, December 18.... Jim Mabery reports an excellent study conducted at Pana, Illinois in December.... Be sure to read the announcement of the book "Common Sense Approach to Bible Understanding" which appears on another page in this issue.... We regret to inform you that we will no longer be able to furnish you full sets of the Old Testament Commentary, by E. M. Zerr. Volume 1 has been sold out. We have only four damaged sets, which will go to the first people sending in ten dollars per set. If you want one do not delay!... We'd like to make a suggestion. Why not send in a subscription to "The Christian Youth" for every young person in your congregation? The cost will not be much and you'll feel good because you really helped your young people. The subscription price is $1 per year, or 75c each in clubs of ten or more. Mail yours in today to P.O. Box 103, Farmington, New Mexico.... One of the most important subjects we have ever discussed is "An Analysis of Heresy." This will appear as the lead-

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ing article in our July, 1961 issue. It should be in the hands of every elder, preacher, teacher and student in every branch of the Restoration Movement. So vital is it that we are asking you to aid in placing this in the hands of others in your area. We will begin at once to receive advance orders for this issue at 10 copies for $1.00, and you need send no money until you've received the papers. How many shall we send you in July?... Bernie Crum conducted funeral services for our aged brother, Charles Lee Moore, at Flat River, Missouri December 10.... John Fleener has 11 television programs and one radio program planned for Decatur, Illinois. We congratulate him on his ability to get things done in that area.... Fred Killebrew conducted funeral services at Iberia, Missouri on December 28 for our aged sister, Ida Bilyeu. Our sympathy is extended to the bereaved family.... Harold Shasteen, Bernell Weems, Percy Faenger, Leo Mabery, Carl Dalton, and Bernie Crum were among the speakers at the New Year's Eve meeting at Flat River, Missouri.... Five congregations were represented at the New Year's Eve meeting at Bethany, Missouri.... William Hensley conducted funeral services for John Scobee at Pollock, Missouri, Dec.20.... Jerry Reece informs us that he and his wife are parents of a new daughter, Lori Jo, born to them on December 12.... Jerry has immersed seven in recent weeks in northern Missouri- at Martinstown; one at Unionville; one at Lemons.... Don and Jonell Rake, Lawrence, Kansas, have a baby girl born December 29.... Fred Killebrew performed the wedding ceremony for Murble Walton and Lois Garner at Light, Arkansas, Dec. 21.... C. R. Turner spoke recently for the brethren at Wheatridge, Colorado.... Work is proceeding on the new meetinghouse for the Lillian Avenue congregation, St. Louis.... An afternoon song fest was held at Oak Hill Chapel, Saint Louis, January 22.... James Mabery was with the brethren in Springfield, Missouri over the weekend of January 8.... Brethren in the Saint Louis area are seeking to arrange for radio time to take the plea we are making to the world about us.... Two were added at Fenton, Missouri, January 15. The second anniversary meeting for the Fenton congregation will be held February 5 with an all day service on the schedule.... We regret to report the death of the mother of Bro. Sam Lawing, Kansas City, Missouri. Funeral services were held at Springfield, Missouri, January 7.... Joe and Inez Stracke, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, have a baby boy, Edward Allen, born December 3.... Please share this paper with another after vou have read it.

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