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     The first issue of The Gospel Message published by Roy Loney, Lawrence, Kansas contains articles by William Hensley, Wilford Landes, Winford Lee and Bro. Loney.... The meetings at Sullivan, Indiana on January 14, 15 deal with the problem of division and schism, attracted large audiences. The meetinghouse was crowded to capacity with standing room taken on Saturday night, and a capacity crowd filled the Four-H Club building Sunday afternoon. About 42 congregations with more than a score of preachers were represented. The congregation at 600 North Court Street proved to be excellent hosts, and all are indebted to these saints for their hospitality and sacrifices.... We regret to report that our elderly brother, C. C. Craley, Tarpon Springs, Florida sustained a painful injury in a fall from a ladder.... Those who are interested in studying about the indwelling of the Spirit will welcome a new book by William Barclay "The Promise of the Spirit." We will mail you one for $2.50 on order. We regret to chronicle the death of Sister Proutt, Bicknell, Indiana, December 26... One was immersed at Bicknell December 6; two were added by membership transfer January 15.... Would you like to bring joy to an aged saint who lives out her days in a nursing home? Please send a birthday card to Susan Sneed, Feiser Nursing Home, Fenton, Missouri. She will be 90 years old on March 24.... Lawrence Thompson of the Manchester Avenue congregation celebrated his 80th birthday on January 15.... Joe Kincaid, Blue Ridge, Georgia underwent surgery at Veteran's Hospital, Atlanta, Georgia in an attempt to correct blindness which occurred several months ago.... M. S. Whitehead, Atmore, Alabama was forced to undergo an amputation of his leg as a result of a severe arterial condition.... We are saddened by the death of Sister Nona Fleming, Saint Louis, on January 22.... Two families have been added to the Lord recently at Fenton, Missouri.... The editor will speak at the lectureship at Southeastern Christian College, Winchester, Kentucky, at 8 p. in., March 13, on the topic "Fellowship Versus Endorsement.... Darrell Bolin immersed the father of three children at Lock Haven, Pennsylvania, January 23.... We rejoice to learn of the fact that brethren at both Bridgeport and Meriden, Connecticut have immersed several into our Lord in recent months.... L. C. Roberts is scheduled to conduct a series of studies on "Revelation" at Kendallville, Indiana March 12-24. We urge all who can to attend these studies.... We'd like to send you a copy of the New Testament in Modern English, by J. B. Phillips. The price is $6.00 per copy.... Albert Winstanley, immersed four at Newtongrange, Scotland during the first week of a one month effort in that area. Upon his return to Tunbridge Wells, Kent, he will begin plans on the new meetinghouse soon to be erected.... Jerry Reece held a short meeting at Lilly Grove, near Jamesport, Mo. in Jan.... William Hensley spoke twice at Old Scotland, near Gallatin, Missouri January 29.... Kenneth Kohr, Overland, Missouri, was hospitalized in Saint Louis for surgery on the hip joint as the result of a bone lesion.... Mrs. James Cram, St. Louis, underwent surgery for a pancreatic condition. She is making satisfactory improvement.... Bernie Crum conducted funeral services for Charles McNew at Flat River, Missouri on Feb. 3.... Do you need an inexpensive dictionary in your home? We suggest the Concise Edition of Webster's New World Dictionary. This large book sells for just

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$3.00 per copy. It will be a boon to your children in school.... The editor will conduct a series of Bible studies at Shawnee Church of Christ, Michigan Drive at 41st Street, Louisville, Kentucky April 24-28.... Eleven congregations were represented at the second anniversary meeting at Fenton, Missouri, February 5. Speakers at the morning service were Bernie Crum, James Mabery and Alton Harris. Quartets from Overland and Webster Groves sang in the afternoon.... The "Torch of Truth" radio broadcast began over Station KSTL, in St. Louis, February 12. It will be heard every Sunday afternoon at 4:45 o'clock at 690 on the dial.... Verne and Rita Middleton, Hartford, Illinois, have adopted a little son, Geffrey Scott.... Eugene Suddeth, Des Moines, Iowa was guest speaker at Compton, California, February 5.... The Revised Standard Bible is now published with center reference and concordance. The price of the book with good print and bound in red buckram is only $9.00 per copy. This would be a real gift for someone. May we send you one?... A special forum has been arranged for April 8, at First Christian Church, Rolla, Missouri. Carl Painter and Martin Mitchum will present talks on the history of the Restoration Movement starting at 9 a. m., and these will be followed by audience questions. In the afternoon Seth Wilson, Dean of Ozark College of the Bible, and W. Carl Ketcherside, will discuss the question of fellowship. This will also be followed by a question period. For further information address Martin Mitchum, P.O. Box 69, Rolla, Missouri.... W. Carl Ketcherside will speak on the topic "Juvenile Delinquency--Causes, Consequences and Cures" at the Church of God, Leadwood, Missouri, March 9, at 7:30 p. m. The meeting will be open to the public.... Richard Ridley and Karen Riggins were married at Compton, California, February 24.... We regret that Walter Acree, Palmdale, California was forced to undergo surgery on an eye.... M. S. Whitehead, State Farm, Atmore, Alabama requests us to notify all who sent cards and letters during his hospitalization that he is appreciative of your interest and concern. Sister Whitehead was hospitalized at the same time as the result of a nervous breakdown.... Jim Mabery reports nine persons baptized in the last several weeks at Fenton, Missouri. This congregation has doubled its membership in the two years of its existence.... We regret to report the death of Thomas Ellis, formerly of Hartford, Illinois.... Fred Killebrew was released from Barnes Hospital, St. Louis, February 11, but will need to return to the clinic for observation and treatment. Your contribution to aid him in the expense incurred and to enable him to have time to recuperate fully will be appreciated. Send to him at Senath, Missouri.


     Would you like for other friends and brethren whom you know to have a copy of this issue of the paper? If so, please send their names and complete addresses and we will send them a copy without obligation. We are anxious that all who are among the concerned be permitted to read for themselves. You may send as many as you like.
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