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     The Missouri Christian Lectureship, held at Moberly, Missouri, March 15-17, attracted a good audience from several states. The initial speech was made by W. Carl Ketcherside, on "The Grounds of Christian Fellowship." The speech was reviewed by Charles Willbanks of Rolla, Missouri, after which questions were entertained from the audience.... We regret to chronicle the death of K. B. Evans, 90, at Hammond, Illinois.... Edith Mabery, Flat River, Missouri underwent surgery at Wohl Hospital, St. Louis, March 29.... We are glad to report the recovery of Louis Kappelman, Beech Grove, Arkansas, who was hospitalized as the result of an ulcer condition.... Hershel Ottwell began work with the congregation at Light, Arkansas, on April 9.... Darrell Bolin recently spoke on the Lock Haven, Pennsylvania radio at the request of the local ministers association.... Bro. Bolin reports having printed some 6000 tracts in recent months and contemplates starting a paper under the title "Twentieth Century Restoration."... Ellis Crum was with the congregation at Galesburg, Illinois, Feb. 2~March 2 conducting development work. He began at Meadville, Missouri, on March 26, and a week later at Kansas City (5906 Kenwood).... The congregation meeting at 1591 East Losey Street, Galesburg, Illinois will have their next annual meeting Sept. 9, 10 with services beginning at 1:00 p. m. Saturday and concluding at 4:00 p. m. on Sunday. Speakers and subjects will be announced later.... Hershel Ottwell conducted a study at Arthur, Illinois, and reports indicate an excellent season of teaching and meditation.... An excellent audience was present at Bonne Terre, Missouri, for the song fest on March 26... We regret to report the death of Alice Crocker, Bismarck, Missouri. Funeral services were conducted at Ironton, Missouri, by Bernie Crum on March 17.... A special community forum on Juvenile Delinquency was held at Fenton, Missouri, March 18, in the meetinghouse of the congregation at that place. Speakers were Robert Acord, Guidance Director, Lindbergh Senior High School; Noah Weinstein, Circuit Judge, St. Louis County; Robert Duncan and W. Carl Ketcherside. Luncheon was served to the guests following the discussions.... Franklin and Jean Marlowe are the parents of a son, Karl Eric, born February 23. They live in Dallas, Texas.... The three day session on "Fellowship" at Lamine, Missouri, was very interesting. In one meeting questions were asked by a panel of three men and in the last meeting question were entertained from the audience. W. Carl Ketcherside spoke for the congregation on Lord's Day morning, March 26 and at Richmond, Missouri, on that night.... Bernie Crum reports one immersed, and two added by membership transfer at Flat River, Missouri, March 19; and one immersed and another added by membership transfer March 28. Brother Crum began a meeting at Fredericktown, Missouri, March 29.... If you have not read the book "Fool of God" you have missed a genuine treat. We can supply your order for it at once for $4.95 per copy. You'll want to circulate it among your friends.... James Mabery will be with the brethren at Springfield, Missouri, May 8-14; at Bloomfield, Missouri, May 15-19; and will begin a series of meetings at Iberia, Missouri, May 28.... Glenn Ellis, of Oak Ridge, Tennessee, spoke at Fenton, Missouri, March 26; and his brother, Leonard Ellis, Port Arthur, Texas, spoke at Webster Groves, Missouri, on the same date.... The annual all day meeting at Bonne Terre, Missouri will be held on June 11 and will be preceded by

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a one week effort by James Mabery. This annual meeting attracts a number of attendants from several states.... You are asked to remember the Bible study starting June 25 at Powell, Wyoming, and continuing for one full week. For a copy of the program and additional information write to Church of Christ, Powell, Wyoming. Visitors to Yellowstone National Park are urged to include this study in their itinerary.... We can furnish you copies of the New Testament portion of "The New English Bible" for $4.95 per copy. We consider this a valuable addition to any library. It is not a revision of previous versions but a translation directly from the original languages into the English we use today. You should order one for yourself and use this book for gifts.... Nels and Margie Turnquist, Des Moines, Iowa, have a baby girl, Suzanne Marie, born March 17.... We regret to report the death of Walter W. Shay, an elderly brother who was a member at Oak Hill Chapel, Saint Louis, Missouri. Funeral services were conducted by Ted Ratliff, Roy McKenney and W. Carl Ketcherside, April 5.... Mary Hendren reports good interest among the young people in Belfast, North Ireland.... We regret to report that Delbert Wingler, Compton, California was suffering from a severe blood clot in his arm.... The congregation at 26th and Spruce Streets, Kansas City, Missouri met in their new meetinghouse the first time on April 2.... Lloyd Riggins recently conducted evangelistic meetings at LaVerne, California.... Darrell Lee Ottwell and Faye Ann Pees were united in marriage at Hartford, Illinois, on April 7.... Brethren at 5906 Kenwood Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri, report a good series of meetings with Ellis Crum.... Cherry Davis, Cape Girardeau, Missouri was placed in Barnes Hospital, Saint Louis, because of a back injury.... James Graddy has moved to Salem, Missouri and will work with the brethren in that area..... A song fest will be held at Farmington, Missouri, April 30.... The congregation at 412 Oak Tree Drive, Webster Groves, Missouri will hold its annual all day meeting with basket dinner on May 21. For information write to Virgil Stevens, 4015 Birchwood place, Lemay 25, Missouri.... Bernie Crum immersed one into Christ at Flat River, Missouri, April 10. Bro. Crum conducted funeral services for Lucille Pryor at Ironton, Missouri, April 11.... A song fest will be held at Fredericktown, Missouri, May 28.... We regret to report the serious illness and hospitalization of Jane Hahn, Flat River, Missouri.... Bro. E. B. Herndon, Denver, Colorado, reports the satisfactory recovery of his wife after surgery on March 10.... Percy Faenger, an elder at Bonne Terre, Missouri, writes his appreciation for the fellowship meeting at Rolla, Missouri, and expresses the view that such meetings have a far-reaching effect for good.... Extra copies of this issue may be secured for distribution among your friends at the rate of ten for one dollar.... There are now but 55 copies of "The Royal Priesthood" remaining to be sold. If you wish to secure a copy of this book by W. Carl Ketcherside, send $2.50 at once.... There were 28 congregations represented in the meeting held at Bicknell, Indiana, April 15, 16 to discuss the problem of division and the increased sense of unity and fellowship.... We regret to report the death of our aged sister, Laura Belle Sutterfield, Flat River, Missouri, whose funeral service was conducted at Corridon, Missouri, by the editor, April 17.... Borden Higginbotham will move to Bloomington, Illinois in the near future to work with the brethren in that area.... Arrangements are being made for a five night series of addresses on "Fellowship in Christ" at Lakewood, California, October 16-20. It is planned to have daily forum sessions with questions from the audience. Watch for full announcement later.

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