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     Fred Killebrew, Senath, Missouri, underwent a clinical check at Barnes Hospital, Saint Louis, April 22. The report indicates that his condition is excellent and he will return in three months for another such inspection. Bro. Killebrew appreciates the generosity of all the brethren who have made it possible for him to gain the rest he needs.... Several hundred members and friends gathered at the meetinghouse in Webster Groves, Missouri, April 23, to help celebrate the fiftieth wedding anniversary of Bro. O. C. Simpson and wife. James Mabery acted as master of ceremonies. One of the outstanding features was the Flat River Male Quartet.... Bernie Crum conducted funeral services at Patton, Missouri, April 22, for Mrs. Alva Bollinger.... A large audience was present at Flat River, Missouri, for the song fest on April 30.... The series of studies held at Shawnee Church in Louisville, Kentucky, were inspirational and helpful to me beyond words. I stayed in the hospitable home of Willis Allen and wife and felt very near to them in the Lord. The seating facilities of the building had to be augmented with extra chairs at night; the day sessions attracted up to fifty eager students. I am grateful for the privilege of meeting the brethren in the Louisville area.... Hershel Ottwell conducted a wonderful meeting at Light, Arkansas, during which two were immersed, one was restored, and the brethren were given great strength and encouragement. ... To those who are called upon to help settle some of the problems troubling others, we would like to recommend "The Psychology of Counseling" by Clyde M. Narramore. We are confident that it will be very helpful to you and we will send you this large book on order for $3.95.... Those of our readers who know Jerry Richards will be thrilled to learn that the Danforth Foundation has granted him a fellowship which will enable him to do four years of study in philosophy at Harvard University. He has been going to school at Lexington, Kentucky, and will soon receive his degree there.... We regret to report that our aged sister, Jane Hahn, Flat River, Missouri, underwent surgery for amputation of her right leg, May 1.... We have seen the April edition of "The Christian Youth" published at Farmington, New Mexico, by Dean Garrison, and it meets the usual high standard. If you are not a subscriber you should send a dollar at once to P.O. Box 103, Farmington, New Mexico, and get on the list.... Jim Mabery was with the congregation at Springfield, Missouri, May 8 - 14, and the following week labored with brethren at Bloomfield, Missouri.... Roy Harris spoke at North Ozark congregation and at Brixey and Springfield, Missouri, during the week of April 23. He will conduct studies at Klamath Falls, Oregon; Colorado Springs, Colorado; and Phillipsburg, Kansas; during his vacation from the rural school which he teaches in Kansas.... Students of the Bible will welcome "Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words" by W. E. Vine. The price is $10.95 per copy and it is worth every cent of it.... Albert Winstanley conducted a series of meetings at Blackburn, England, April 1 - 9, and spoke at the anniversary meeting at Brighton, April 22, 23.... Walter Crosthwaite was the speaker at the Bible School conducted at Hindley, Lancashire, England, May 20 - 23. Brother Crosthwaite, who was for a number of years editor of "Scripture Standard" lives at Ulverston, England.... Brethren are asked to remember the anniversary meeting of the congregation at Bonne Terre, Missouri, June 11.... We regret to chronicle the death of John Nisbet, 86, Tranent, Scotland. This aged brother had been a member of the body of Christ for 53 years.... An intensive study of the Bible will

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be conducted at 7121 Manchester Avenue, Saint Louis, Missouri, December 27 - 31, by W. Carl Ketcherside and James Mabery. Brethren and friends are invited to share in these interesting investigations which will climax with a meeting on New Year's Eve lasting until midnight. Studies will be conducted morning, afternoon and night.... W. Levon Coe would like for his correspondents to know that his present address is 2310 Baylor Avenue, Alamogordo, New Mexico.... Bernie Crum is scheduled to conduct vacation studies at Bridge (near Dexter, Missouri) May 22-26, and at Flat River, Missouri, May 29 - June 3.... Please remember that our next issue will be a special one containing the article "What Is Heresy?" and that you may secure copies at the price of ten for one dollar. We urge you to help in the distribution of this special number which is so important for our day.... Because we consider this issue which you are now reading a vital one, we have also had a number of extra copies printed. If you wish to share them with your friends, be sure to write at once while the supply lasts. Mention that you want the June issue and the cost will be ten for one dollar.... It was an inspiration to me to have James Furniss, West Union, Ohio, with me during the entire study at Louisville, Kentucky. Bro. Furniss is a consecrated laborer in the service of the Lord.... We would like very much to hear from our readers. Whether you agree with what is written or not it is a genuine privilege to be able to share in your own thinking. Why not take time to sit down and tell us your reaction to the things contained in this issue? No doubt you have often felt the urge to write after reading the paper, but you have postponed doing so until you felt it was too late. Please take the time to send a card or letter and let us know how you feel about what is being said and done with regard to unity and fellowship.... Did you secure a copy of "The Promise of the Spirit" by William Barclay? The author is a lecturer in New Testament in the University of Glasgow, and is probably the most popular expositor of the Bible now writing in Britain. We will send you a copy of his book for $2.50 upon order. It is our personal view that until we recapture a sense of the indwelling Spirit that our lives will be futile and useless.... Speaking about books by William Barclay reminds us that we have received more practical benefit and more helpful suggestions from his "Daily Bible Study Series" than almost any other volumes we have read in recent years. These little volumes, which also sell for $2.50 each are filled with analytical material that you can pass on to others in class.... Please note the announcement of the "California Meeting" on page 13 and write your friends in the west to attend.... We are pleased to announce that Lillian Roper, Arvada, Colorado, is making satisfactory recovery after surgery.... We urge all of our readers to attend the study in Powell, Wyoming, if it is at all possible.... Why not share this paper with a friend or brother in the Lord after you have read it?... It will help us greatly if you send your subscription in advance. This saves time and money required to send notification. You will be credited from expiration date.... All readers will please note that only one card telling you of expiration will be sent. If you do not renew before you receive it be sure and do so at once when it arrives.

     After reading this copy of the paper why not sit down and write us your reaction to its content. You need not agree with it for us to love you!
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