Tornado Damage

[Page 15]
     On May 6 a tornado completely destroyed the dining hall and new dormitory at Arrowhead of Ball Lake, where the congregation at Kendallville, Indiana is sponsoring the third annual Bible study August 6-27. The buildings were covered by insurance and it is planned to have them replaced for the study which will be conducted by competent teachers. Each day will begin with a prayer meeting at 6:30 a.m., and there will be classes for all who come. The evening meetings will feature a different series of lectures each week. There will be field trips taken each Thursday to various points of historical and literary interest, and special travelogue movies will be shown along with other educational films. For directions to reach the site as well as for information about camping and facilities write to John Dougless, 722 East Dowling Street, Kendaliville, Indiana.

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