Sharing Our Mail

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     I rush to congratulate your recent emphasis on the history of our movement. Let no one dismay you. This is what we need, and the quotes nail the coffin shut. This is what the restorers believed! It is the way of men to praise prophets and garnish their tombs while reviling those who preach their doctrine. Our brethren who glibly quote the fathers as fostering schism need this reminder as to the real nature and purpose of the movement.-Kansas.

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     After having read the August issue I can no longer restrain myself from writing you and letting you know how much I appreciate the efforts of you and other brethren being put forth for the restoration movement. I should like to be counted among the number of "the concerned."-New Mexico.

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     This does not materially affect your point but you may find it interesting. In your August issue under "The First Great Error" you mention that "there was not a separate party anywhere which was called by the distinctive title 'Church of Christ.'" Some of the Baptist churches in first two decades of the 19th century called themselves "Churches of Christ" and I have in my library Baptist Association reports of this time containing reports from Baptist churches in Missouri titled "Baptized Churches in Christ." How common this was among Baptists I do not know. My father was told by an old Baptist missionary that late in the 18th century there was considerable discussion among these folks whether to be called Baptist Churches or Churches of Christ. The former title won. -Nebraska.

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     Have just finished reading the August issue and want you to know I believe such quotations are very interesting and helpful to modern day efforts at "restoring the Restoration." Rather than being uninterested in such, we need to thank God that we have access to the thoughts of these great men. Thanks for passing along your information on "False teachers" for this will be helpful in discussion with many of our brethren. -New Mexico.

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     I have just finished reading the August issue of MISSION MESSENGER. I enjoy the paper and think you are expounding much truth. Your comments on "editorcracy" are very true. I am in favor of articles dealing with the history of the restoration attempt to "unite the Christians in all sects." We have drifted far from the attitude and methods of the pioneers. - Ohio.

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     Renew me for another year. I do enjoy every copy and especially the last one with the humble way of expounding truth. -Missouri.

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     I did not realize just how far we had departed from the ideals of the pioneers of restoration, and now that I do know, my heart is filled with sadness that we have made such a tragic wreck out of such a wonderful dream. Is it possible that we can ever get the divided forces to capture once more this glorious vision? -Indiana.

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     I am not sure that I like to read MISSION MESSENGER. It does something to me. It convicts me of my own sectarianism after I had always thought that I was free from it. It makes me bow my head in shame that I have been so blind to my own failure and neglect. Please keep telling us how we have missed the mark, so that we shall be goaded into a more loving form of living! -California.

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     Give us more of the history that few of us have ever read. Such research as this is thrilling and stirring. If Alexander Campbell was a "Fool of God" then let's have more of that kind of fools in this age. -Illinois.
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