Oregon Meeting

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     The men's meeting held at Grove Christian Service Camp, Cottage Grove, Oregon, August 23-26, brought together about 150 men to evaluate their lives and thinking in the light of the general theme "In Times Like These." There were four speeches each morning, an open forum each afternoon, and two more speeches at night. All of the services were highly inspirational in nature and were interspersed during the day with special prayer meetings. One of the speakers was Yoon Kwon Chae, who spoke on Communism as he had observed its inroads on his native land of Korea. Brethren representing both the instrumental and non-instrumental music segments of the disciple brotherhood were present and found it possible to learn from each other despite their varied views about some matters. The editor spoke five times and assisted in the forum panel on two afternoons. One of the commendable tendencies of these days is found in the fact that both at Eugene and Medford, Oregon, brethren of the divergent groups are regularly meeting to explore the possibilities leading toward better understanding and unity of purpose.

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