Hershel Ottwell closed two weeks of work at Holliday congregation in
Illinois on September 1.... Herbert and Marilyn Hatfield are working with Victor and Gloria
Richards among the Spanish-speaking folk in the Juarez-El Paso area.... We are pleased to note
that Thomas Langford will be working with Texas Technological Institute at Lubbock, Texas....
Sammy Stanley and Mary Jane Chastain were united in marriage at Independence, Missouri,
August 14, with Wilford Landes officiating.... J. Miller Forcade will assist brethren at Sapulpa,
Oklahoma, during September and October.... Alton Pace, Riverside, California, says that he
found the article "Restoring Restoration" quite informative. Sam Reed writes that he is interested
in the history of the Restoration Movement because its principles are as good and as needed now
as ever. Bro. Reed is minister of First Christian Church, San Antonio, Texas.... We would like to
send you a copy of Peoples' New Testament with Notes in the one volume edition for $5.00.... It
was our pleasure to see the galley proof on an article by E. L. Jorgenson, which will appear in
the September and October issues of "Word and Work," Louisville, Kentucky. We recommend
to all of you that you secure a copy of this timely presentation which is titled: "Church of Christ-
or Main Body?" Brother Jorgenson has written a stimulating and provocative article.... The little
magazine "Torch of Truth" issued by Hershel Ottwell, P.O. Box 122, Hartford, Illinois will be
issued every alternate month beginning with the January issue. If you'd like to receive it, please
notify Brother Ottwell at once.... Herschel Keown, 622 South 44th Street, Louisville Kentucky
has asked us to mention once more that he will send his tract "Divorce and Remarriage" free
upon request.... Fred Killebrew, Senath, Missouri, re-entered Barnes Hospital, Saint Louis,
Missouri, for a biopsy due to a swelling in the chest region. The surgeons determined that it was
not malignant and he was released after four days of hospitalization.... We are sorry to report the
death of Sister Mills, 73, of Belfast, North Ireland. William Hendren, of Belfast, will speak at
the annual meeting at Newtongrange, Scotland, on October 14, 15.... Vernon Hurst will labor
with brethren in Phoenix and Parker, Arizona, during the month of October.... The attendance in
the Bible study conducted at Alton, Illinois, by W. Carl Ketcherside, was excellent. The house
was filled to capacity on some nights.... An Area Wide Get-Together of brethren in the Saint
Louis region will be held on Friday night, November 3, at the Green Parrot Inn, in Saint Louis
county. The meal will cost $2.75 and reservations must be made in advance. If you wish to
attend contact James Mabery, 322 West Washington, Kirkwood 22, Missouri. Since only a
certain number can be accommodated, reservations will be accepted only until the maximum
number is reached. Brethren from anywhere are welcome to come.... Scott and Janice
Sutterfield, Farmington, Missouri, have a baby girl, Kimberly, born August 18.... The Lillian
Avenue congregation, St. Louis, met in their new building the first time on August 27.... It is our
intention to publish a provocative article by Vernon Hurst in our next issue. The title of this
challenging presentation is "These Things I Believe." Be sure to watch for it.... The editor
conducted funeral services for Dennis Green at Bonne Terre, Missouri, August 28.... Ruth and
Joyce Mann, Saint Louis, were involved in an automobile crash which injured them both, with
the former sustaining the worst cuts and fractures.... Elton and Sandi
Plaster, Kansas City, Missouri, have a new daughter, Jana Beth, born July 12.... Bernie Crum
reports two added at Flat River, Missouri, August 27, by membership transfer.... We rejoice at
the news that fourteen young people were immersed into our Lord at the study conducted at
Arrowhead of Ball Lake, Indiana.... Daniel Munger, Saint Louis, has been called into the
Quartermaster's Division of the armed services and will be stationed at Richmond, Virginia....
Ronald Perryman, Festus, Missouri, is in a guard division that is activated and w ill be stationed
in Georgia.... If you have not read "The Promise of the Spirit" by Barclay, we would like to mail
you one for $2.50 because it is a little book with a big message.... Hershel Ottwell has just
concluded a series of meetings with brethren at Bonne Terre, Missouri.... Paul Osborne reports
one immersed at Hammond, Illinois.... We share in the sorrow experienced by the family of
James Jones, Kansas City, Missouri, who died of a heart attack in August.... Junior Loney and
Mary Elizabeth Hanson were married at Santa Carla, California, on September 3.... Tom Dennis
conducted a two weeks meeting at Ottawa, Kansas, starting August 20.... One of our preaching
brethren in Germany writes that he feels the August paper is better to hand to new readers than
the July issue. We have been gratified to see the interest in the history of the restoration
movement as expressed by our readers all over the world.... We salute the Don Rickerson and
Claire Boulton families, who are laboring on the Ryukyu Islands. Bro. Boulton writes, "These
islands might fall into Communist hands, and if such a thing should happen we will either be
banished or fed to the sharks so it is essential that the native Christians be able to stand on their
own feet. At the present time there are eight churches formed or in the process of forming, and
we intend to extend our work to other islands in the very near future."... Curtis Dickinson,
Fowler, Kansas, writes, "If we fail to establish faith, our failure is total." To this we give our
hearty assent.... Our list of subscribers receiving the September issue was a little in excess of one
thousand more than in September 1960.... Four have been immersed in recent weeks at 5906
Kenwood Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri.... Florence Jones, of the Kenwood Avenue
congregation, has asked us to thank you for the cards of sympathy received in the death of her
husband.... We extend sympathy to the family of Sister Mattie Fields, Riverside, California, who
departed this life on August 28. Funeral services were conducted by Clarence Cassell....
Churchhill and Virginia Teghtmeyer, Kansas City, Missouri, celebrated their 40th wedding
anniversary with open house, August 27.... I. D. Ames, the blind preacher, now 72 years old,
spoke recently at Kenwood Avenue congregation, Kansas City.... Dean Patrick and Janet Young
were united in marriage at Saint Louis, Missouri, September 2. They will make their home at
Arthur, Illinois.... James Mabery was with brethren at Louisiana, Missouri, Sept. 11-15. He will
be at Pomona, California in October and at Anderson, Indiana, in November.... Two were
immersed at Berlin Street congregation, Belfast, North Ireland, August 30.... Thomas Dennis
was scheduled for a meeting at Kirksville, Missouri, Sept. 25-October 6.... The meeting for
young people at Sullivan, Illinois, attracted large audiences. Bob Duncan remained to conduct a
two week meeting.... Bernie Crum will be working at Bicknell, Indiana, Oct. 4-15.... Noah
Smith, 83, of Sullivan, Illinois, underwent surgery in Decatur Macon County Hospital. He is
making satisfactory recovery.
Extra copies of this issue may be obtained at the rate of ten for one
dollar. Why not send for a supply and share them with others?
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