If you wish to share copies of this issue with friends and brethren you
may secure extra papers at the rate of ten for one dollar. We urge you to write at once for such
extra copies.... We regret to inform our readers that we do not have any previous issues
available. The increased demand has completely exhausted our supply.... Many will be interested
in knowing that the circulation of Mission Messenger last month was the highest we have
reached except for the special July number.... Two were immersed at Berlin Street congregation,
Belfast, North Ireland, October 29.... Rudi Rischer of Salzburg, Austria, conducted a gospel
meeting at Wurzburg, Germany, October 10-15.... The theme for the 1962 Annual German Men's
Bible Lectures will be "The Restoration of the New Testament Life of Faith." These lectures will
be given by Glenn Olbricht and Ludwig Kinke.... George LeMasters and Arvil Coulter were
ordained as elders for the congregation meeting at Morningside Chapel, Decatur, Illinois,
October 29.... Mr. and Mrs. Asa Childers, Kirksville, Missouri celebrated their golden wedding
anniversary, November 12. Other recent golden wedding anniversaries include those of Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew Johnson, Saint Louis, on October 29; and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kohr, Overland,
Missouri, on November 10.... Mr and Mrs. Sam D. Jeffers, Lyons, Indiana, will celebrate their
sixtieth wedding anniversary on December 7.... William Hensley conducted a series of meetings
at Martinstown, Missouri, November 2-24.... James Mabery assisted in the ordination of Luther
Turner and Frank Hope as elders at Pomona, California. Clarence Cassell is also an elder of the
congregation. Bro. Mabery immersed three during his labors there.... John Fleener labored with
the congregation at Reeds Station, Illinois, in a two week meeting.... Dieter Alten, of Hamburg,
Germany conducted a series of gospel meetings in Augsburg, October 9-15.... Glen and Jessie
Clute, Ballwin, Missouri, have a baby girl, Sarah Ellen, born October 21.... Ray and Topsy
Norvell, Atlanta, Georgia, have a baby girl, Melanie Marie, born Sept.16.... Bob and Janet
Carron, Bloomington, Indiana, have a baby girl, Mandy Lee, born October 12.... The Gene
Olmsteds, Cody, Wyoming, have twin boys, Mark Anthony and Andrew James, born October
5.... Burl Shoemake reports from Toledo, Oregon, that 8 have been immersed in that area
recently, 5 by himself and 3 by Lawrence Rhodes.... If you are looking for an appropriate gift we
suggest "History of the Church through the Ages" by Robert Brumback. We are sending this
large book togcther with Bro. Brumback's book "Where Jesus Walked" both for $6.00, or you
can purchase the history for $5.00. Why not give books--the gift that lasts?... Bill Munday and
June Winniger were united in marriage at Bicknell, Indiana, on October 14, with Bernie Crum
officiating.... Bro. Crum reports that representatives from 16 other congregations attended his
meeting in Bicknell.... The young people's meeting at Bonne Terre, Missouri, produced a large
attendance with great interest and spiritual enthusiasm. More than 150 were present on October
29.... William Jessup is scheduled to speak at Tenth and Garey, Pomona, California, December
10.... Albert Winstanley writes that brethren in Tunbridge Wells, Kent, are entering negotiations
with building contractors looking forward to erection of their meetingbouse in that beautiful
English city.... Only 25 copies of "The Royal Priesthood" by W. Carl Ketcherside remain in
stock. This book will not be reprinted. If you want one you must secure it now. The cost is $2.50
per copy.
... There were 165 persons at the dinner at Green Parrot Inn, St. Louis County, Missouri,
November 3, where the program was built around the theme of "Evangelism--The Open Door."...
Brethren at Lock Haven, Pennsylvania, held their first meeting in the new house located at the
corner of Second Avenue and West Walnut Street, October 1. There will be a four day meeting
during the Christmas holiday, December 28-3l, with morning, afternoon and night sessions, and
culminating with a service until midnight on New Year's Eve. For full particulars write to
Darrell Bolin, 134 Susquehanna Avenue.... Bro. Bolin spoke for the brethren at Guys Mills,
Pennsylvania, on the morning of Oct. 29, and for the brethren at Roseville, Pennsylvania, that
night. He will soon begin a radio program over the Lock Haven station and plans the publication
of "Twentieth Century Restoration" about the first of the year.... Vernon Hurst immersed two in
Wyoming in October.... Two were immersed at Webster Groves, Missouri, Oct. 29... We regret
to chronicle the death of Martin L. Fraser of Lillian Avenue congregation, Saint Louis,
Missouri, November 8.... A brother writes from Nebraska that he appreciates the idea that we are
parted by the party spirit rather than by things....The Cuba Free Press a weekly
newspaper published by Percy Pascoe at Cuba, Missouri, will feature the series on "Adventures
in Religion" as published in MISSION MESSENGER. The editor writes, "I commend you on the
title and the content and hope you will continue the series under this heading for my readers as
well as yours."... William Jessup writes of those from whom he has heard in California and who
testify that the meetings at Lakewood changed their lives and opened up great new avenues of
truth unto them.... M. S. Whitehead, Montgomery, Alabama, writes that he has suffered so
intensely from neuritis recently that he has found it difficult to practice the use of his artificial
limb. Bro. Whitehead has been an unbiased researchist in the causes of division in the disciple
brotherhood and has produced some outstanding material in the past..... Please remember the
study of the Word to be conducted by Jim Mabery and W. Carl Ketcherside, in Saint Louis,
December 27-31. For information write to Milton Sterrett, 6231 Wilson Street, Saint Louis 10,
Missouri. You may telephone him at STerling 1-3772.... Funeral services were conducted for
Sister Ary Forshee, Bonne Terre, Missouri, November 13. She died from cancer after a
prolonged illness.... Special studies for young married couples are being held weekly in Saint
Louis on the subject "Things Most Surely Believed Among Us."... W. Carl Ketcherside has just
concluded a series of classes in public speaking and development at Oak Hill Chapel, St. Louis.
A new series including studies in developing thought processes as well as in communication of
ideas will start soon after the new year begins. One was immersed at Webster Groves, Missouri,
November 8.... The next Saint Louis area song rally will be held at 7121 Manchester Avenue,
December 3.... Three were added by membership transfer at Oak Hill Chapel, November 12.... If
you contemplate a change of address please notify us as soon as possible When your paper is
mailed to an old address not only do you not receive it, but we have to pay to get the information
from the postal authorities. It will help a great deal if you will cooperate with us in this regard....
Be sure to send your renewal in advance of expiration and send for several years at a time if
possible. This saves money required to notify you of expiration date.... Remember once more
that you can secure extra copies of this issue at the rate of ten for one dollar.
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