W. Carl Ketcherside will teach an all day Bible study at Hartford, Illinois,
Saturday, February 10, on "An Analysis of Galatians."... If you are a Christian medical doctor
and would be interested in sharing in an established practice in the West please contact us,....
Paul Montgomery and Jerri Ann Cook were united in marriage at Fredericktown, Missouri,
January 14.... One was immersed at Overland, Missouri, January 14.... We regret to report the
death of Earl Patrick, Louisiana, Missouri, December 10. Our sympathy is extended to the family
of Harry Bryerton, Lock Haven, Pennsylvania, who passed away Dec.24.... E. B. Herndon and
wife, Denver, Colorado, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary, January 20.
"Word from Heaven" is a neat monthly magazine of New Testament
evangelism edited by Charles Gillespie, with Don DeWelt as associate editor. The subscription
price is $2.50 per year. Write P.O. Box 186, Jasper, Missouri, for a sample copy.... William H.
Thiess and Augusta Souders were married Nov. 18 in St. Louis.... Phillip and Raye Fern Thomas,
Marshfield, Missouri, have a son, Henry Phillip Dewaine, born Nov. 7.... Dennis and Margie
Franklin, Hartford, Illinois, have a girl, Sheila Raye, born Nov. 18.... We regret to report the
death of Charles Maynard, Hartford, Illinois, Nov. 18.... Mary Lamew, Ypsilanti, Michigan, died
November 27. Burial was at Light, Arkansas.... Fred Killebrew reports the funeral services of his
stepmother, Nov. 29, at Knoxville, Tennessee. Fred had immersed both her and his father in
1955 a short time before the death of the latter. Billy McCart and Janet Allen were married at
Hartford, Illinois, Nov. 24.... If you are not taking "The Christian Youth" you should send a
dollar at once for a subscription. This little magazine which is published monthly should be read
by every young person. Send your subscription to Dean R. Garrison, P.O. Box 103, Farmington,
New Mexico.... Have you been wanting a copy of the New English Bible - New Testament? We
will mail you a cloth bound copy for only $2.00 if you'll write at once. Why not get extra copies
to use for gift purposes?... Fred Killebrew reports immersing three at Springfield, Illinois, Nov.
28. He conducted funeral services for Bertis Lawrence, at Bridge Church, near Dexter, Missouri,
Dec. 5.... John Fleener, Decatur, Illinois, conducted funeral services for his mother who passed
away on December 10.... We ask your prayers in behalf of our aged sister, Mrs. Jesse F. Love,
605 Floyd Street, Valdosta, Georgia, who must undergo eye surgery to save her failing sight. She
is the widow of a gospel preacher who was killed when struck by a car at Council Bluffs, Iowa,
during a tent mission meeting many years ago. . . . Friends of Dale Sterrett can address him as
follows: Pvt. Milton Dale Sterrett, U.S. 55716845, 2d Bn., 2d Trng. Reg. Base, Fort Leonard
Wood, Missouri.... Bernie Crum, Flat River, Missouri, immersed a married couple on Nov.28
and another on Dec. 3.... Rose Warner reports one immersed recently at West Side church,
Champaign, Illinois.... One was immersed at Lillian Avenue Church in St. Louis recently.... Jim
Mabery immersed three during his work at Anderson, Indiana, which closed Dec. 7.... W. Carl
Ketcherside immersed two at Beech Grove, Arkansas, in December.... Howard and Zora
Holcomb, St. Louis, celebrated their silver wedding anniversary, Nov. 26.... Bernie Crum will
work with brethren in Albuquerque, New Mexico, in April.... During the next month we will
send you free a copy of The Authentic Version New Testament by Hugh J. Schonfield
with every order for "The Kingdom of the Messiah" by W. Carl Ketcherside. Both big books for
only $2.50 on this special offer. You must order at once.... Ralph C. Feik and Mary Anne Young
were married in St. Louis, December 9.... Our readers will regret to hear that W. W. Otey, 94,
departed this life at Winfield, Kansas. He was a participant in the Otey-Briney Debate many
years ago.... Fred Windlan and Alice Rose Howard, Anderson, Indiana, were married on
December 16.... You will be interested in reading a tract entitled "Binding Where God Has Not
Bound" by M. S. Whitehead, 51 Michigan Avenue, Montgomery 3, Alabama. It is an analysis of
1 Corinthians 16:1, 2, and deals with the question of whether a weekly monetary contribution is
item of congregational worship. Write for one.... Ellis Crum conducted a short meeting at
Middletown, Indiana.... Leroy Garrett was with the brethren at Lock Haven, Pennsylvania, for
special studies during the Christmas vacation.... Kathleen Klein writes that the mid-week studies
at Dugway, Utah, are attracting a larger attendance. The KIems worship at Orem, Utah, on the
Lord's Day. Bob Reynolds of Cedar City recently conducted a week of studies at Orem.... Have
you written Darrell Bolin, 134 Susquehanna Avenue, Lock Haven, Pennsylvania, for a free copy
of "20th Century Restoration"? You will like this new paper.... Hershel Ottwell conducted a
study at Shelbyville, Illinois, January 14-26, and will be at 5906 Kenwood Avenue, Kansas City,
Missouri, Feb.25 - March 2.... We urge you to write for "The Torch of Truth" published by Bro.
Ottwell at P.O. Box 122, Hartford, Illinois. It is a paper filled with interesting material and
quotations that you can use.... The editor has been selected as the Bible Lecturer at the
Consultation on Internal Unity, to be held at Wheeling Avenue Christian Church, Tulsa,
Oklahoma, February 27 - March 1. He will also speak at Missouri Christian Lectureship,
Moberly, Missouri, March 15, on "The Meaning and Function of Agape in Christian
Fellowship."... The elders at Mt. Eagle, Pennsylvania, immersed two young ladies who had been
sprinkled in the Roman Catholic Church in childhood.... We can supply you a cloth bound copy
of "New Testament in Modern English" by J. B. Phillips for $2.00 in the pocket size; $2.50 in
the larger sizes.... There were 300 in attendance at 5344 Lillian Avenue, St. Louis, for the
meeting on New Year's Eve. Other good meetings were reported at Gallatin, Missouri, and at
5906 Kenwood Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri.... If you would like to secure copies of the paper
for 1961 write to C. H. Ephland, 1505 North Ash Street, Nevada, Missouri. The congregation at
Nevada has a number which they will share with you on a first come-first served basis.... We
regret to report the death of our sister in Christ, Mrs. W. E. Ballenger, Kansas City, Missouri,
December 19. She was the widow of a consecrated gospel preacher who served his generation
well.... The study in St. Louis during the Christmas holidays exceeded expectations with
approximately a hundred in attendance each day and many more for the night sessions. Ellis
Crum conducted a morning devotional each day. Bob Duncan, Jerry Higginbotham, and James
Graddy assisted by presiding over forum sessions. Two classes each were taught by James
Mabery and W. Carl Ketcherside.... The editor will be in special meetings at Morningside
Chapel, Decatur, Illinois, February 19, 20, 21, and will address a meeting of the Parent-Teacher
Association at Windsor, Illinois, February 22.... Vearla Foltz, of Hale, Missouri, retired from his
position as mail carrier after 46 years of service.... We are sure that you'll be interested in the
next issue which will feature an article on "Brothers At Law" and will carry the history of the
Restoration Movement down to the beginning of the twentieth century, a period filled with court
trials and legal maneuvers as brethren contested each other for the church property which they
had jointly shared in the past.... It is very essential that you notify us in advance of any
contemplated change of address as the cost of notification by the postal authorities has doubled
in price. Please let us know when you move.... In view of the tremendous importance of coming
issues of the paper we urge you to subscribe for friends and brethren. Help share these messages.
You may secure additional copies for the price of ten for $1.00. We urge you to write at once.
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