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     We urge all of our readers to subscribe for The Scripture Standard which is published by the brethren in Great Britain. The cost is only $1.50 per year and we will act as your agents if you will send us a subscription plainly marked "For Scripture Standard."... The editor was at Decatur, Illinois, Feb. 19-21, speaking each night to a crowded house at Morningside Chapel. The congregation there has immersed four within the last month.... A letter from W. J. Cole, Nelson, New Zealand, mentions the congregation still meets in his home, but brethren are awaiting opportunity to secure a hall to expand their sphere of service.... Bernie Crum reports one added at Flat River, Missouri, Feb. 18.... We regret to report the death of Pearl Sommer, widow of the late D. Austen Sommer, Indianapolis, Indiana, February 15.... Sister McFarland, Farmington, New Mexico, was recently returned to the hospital for additional treatment following surgery previously reported.... We have available copies of the Library Edition of New English Bible New Testament. These are excellent books with large print for $3.50 per copy.... We are sorry to report the death of Minnie Sparks, Kansas City, Missouri, who died suddenly.... Willie Landers, Calvert City, Kentucky, reports that his son- in-law was immersed into Christ, February 2.... We think you'd like "Torch of Truth" published by Hershel Ottwell, 135 East Forest, Hartford, Illinois. A copy will be sent you free upon request.... Arnold Shaw immersed one at Louisiana, Missouri, Feb. 11.... Kevin Smith, Portland, Australia, says he reads the paper through immediately upon receipt of it.... Kenneth and Mary Ann Getter, Pana, Illinois, have a new daughter, Kendra Lynn, born February 2.... Please remember that we can furnish you a copy of Thayer's Greek-English Lexicon at the bargain price of $10.00 but we urge you to hurry if you want one at that price.... Albert Winstanley worked with the brethren in Newtongrange, Scotland, during the month of January.... Darrell Bolin and Leroy Garrett were with the brethren at Bridgeport, Connecticut, the last three days in January.... Elders and deacons were ordained at the congregation at Overland, Missouri, the afternoon of March 4.... The Sunday afternoon classes on personal evangelism, taught by James Mabery at the Manchester Avenue Church, St. Louis, closed February 25, with excellent interest and profit.... The Saturday night classes on "Creative Thinking" for the New Creation" as taught by W. Carl Ketcherside at Oak Hill Chapel, St. Louis, concluded on March 10.... Jack Kinser will speak at Mattoon, Illinois, March 18, and Bob Duncan will be with the brethren there on April 15.... Have you sent financial aid to help on erection of the meeting-house in Tunbridge Wells, England? This is a worthy cause and needs your help. Mail any assistance to Albert Winstanley, 43a Church Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England.... Bob Duncan will be with brethren in Decatur, Illinois, in March, and Fred Killebrew, in April. Both of these brethren will be with the Water Street congregation.... Fred Killebrew labored with brethren at Valdosta, Georgia, in Bible studies, during February.... Donald Posey, Rialto, California, writes of excellent fellowship meetings in which brethren listened to the tapes of the Lakewood meeting.... Ed Spencer and family arrived safely in Nassau, on the Bahama Islands, and the labors in the gospel have begun.... Boyce Mouton writes from San Jose, California, that the progress of reform is encouraging.... J. T. Broseh and wife of Odessa, Texas, plan to attend the concourse toward unity at Denver in July....

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Kenneth Morgan writes from Klamath Falls, Oregon, that the morale of the congregation seems to be high despite loss of several families who moved from the area.... Cecil and Myrna McFarland, Farmington, New Mexico, have a baby boy, born February 20.... We will mail you a copy of Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, by W. E. Vine, for $10.95 if you will send at on.... Robert and Darlene Phillips, Bentonville, Arkansas, have a son, Charles Dean, born February 19.... Alton Harris, Norman Estep, Terry Ketcherside and Herbert Estep, were ordained as elders at Overland, Missouri, March 4. At the same time, James Sallade, Claude Costephens, Jesse Riles and Theron Roland, were ordained as deacons.... We regret to report the recent deaths of two aged brethren at Fairbury, Nebraska: Harvey Austin (89) who died January 19; William Meeske (80) who died February 14.... Ellis and Norma Crum, Kendallville, Indiana, have a son, Brent Dean, born February 4.... The Kendallville congregation has purchased five lots on new Highway Six, and will start building as soon as possible.... Fred Killebrew was with the brethren at Springfield, Illinois, over the weekend of March 4, and reports increasing interest in the work.... Ray Duffey spoke at Farmington, New Mexico, February 18, on "Peace Among Brethren." Ray lives at Albuquerque.... Bernie Crum reports one added by membership transfer at Flat River, Missouri, February 25.... Paul Osborne says that his "Christian Crusader" published at Hammond, Illinois, will have as its topic "Science and God" in the next issue. He will conduct a vacation study at Hammond, June 4-8... . The summer encampment at Arrowhead of Ball Lake, in Indiana, is scheduled for August 5-26.... Harold Nebel, High Hill, Missouri, presented a lecture entitled "Early Restoration in Missouri" at the Lillian Avenue meetinghouse, St. Louis, March 6. He showed slides of some of the buildings and sites connected with the pioneer work in the state.... "The Christian Youth" for February was exceptionally good and we recommend this periodical to all young people who are members of the fellowship of the concerned. Send one dollar for a year's subscription to P.O. Box 103, Farmington, New Mexico.... E. L. Jorgenson spoke at Chino, California, February 25, and was scheduled to be at 10th and Garey, Pomona, March 4.... The Third Consultation on Internal Unity in the Christian Churches which was held at Tulsa, Oklahoma, served to point up the rather wide divergency in views of the two groups present, but the deliberations were orderly. It was our privilege to address those in attendance on four different occasions.... We must again ask our readers to notify us of any change of address. The cost of securing this information from the postal authorities has doubled recently.

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