A Real Need

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     It has been our custom for several years to make an appeal for new subscriptions at the first of each year. Due to the need for space in discussing historical aspects of the Restoration movement we omitted this in the January edition and subsequent issues. We now find ourselves urgently in need of increasing our list by a thousand names. We entreat the members of the fellowship of the concerned ones to respond immediately if you can. If one thousand readers will send in one additional name accompanied by a dollar our current emergency will be met.

     For your information no one connected with the paper has ever taken one cent for his labors. Every penny is put into the work of distribution. It now costs a little more than one dollar per year to put out the paper to each subscriber. The deficit has always been met by voluntary gifts of those who believe in the crusade for unity. We have not raised the price because we want to keep it in reach of all.

     We cannot edit, mail, write, do the research, and travel thousands of miles each year, and also solicit subscriptions. For that we must depend upon you. If God is prospering you, will you not share in this great work by sending a list of names and addresses of friends and brethren and pay for their subscriptions? We never mention these matters unless the need is real. It is real now--is your interest in unity also real? Are you satisfied just to read for yourself? Send subscriptions to MISSION MESSENGER, 2360 Gardner Drive, Saint Louis 36, Missouri.

     Will you send a list of ten subscriptions today? If one hundred of our readers do so our appeal will be answered in full at once!

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