Thoughts on Fellowship
We have been urged to preserve in permanent form the material
contained in the MISSION MESSENGER which has to do with the research on fellowship. We
began writing on this theme in 1957 and if there is enough interest we will bring out all of the
issues for 1957-58 in a cloth bound book of 384 pages. It is estimated that this book will sell for
$3.00 as a pre-publication price and $3.50 per copy after publication. Will you help us bring out
this important volume by informing us in advance how many you will take? The book should be
placed in school and college libraries as well as in all church libraries. Why not think in terms of
presenting it to friends and brethren for their spiritual edification? Will you write us at once
about the matter. Simply address your letter to MISSION MESSENGER, 2360 Gardner Drive,
Saint Louis 36, Missouri.
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