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We will be pleased to send you a sample copy of The Scripture Standard which is published by our brethren in Great Britain and to act as your agent in sending in your subscription. The cost is only $1.50 per year for American subscribers. Send us that amount, plainly marked "Scripture Standard" and we will forward it. The check should be made out to MISSION MESSENGER.... We are pleased to report eleven immersed at Overland, Missouri, during our meeting and following it.... W. L. Brown, Searcy, Arkansas, spoke at Oak Hill Chapel, Saint Louis, April 29, and on the evening before showed colored movies of the mission field on which he labored in Africa.... Robert E. Hansen writes from Rosemead, California, that Bob Haddow has finished mailing out notices of the fellowship rally to be held September 17-21, to about 600 congregations in the California area. We urge all of you to pray very earnestly in behalf of this gathering. For information relative to the program write to Rosemead Church of Christ, 8705 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California.... Brethren in the California area will be pleased to learn that the editor will speak four times in the Pomona area on Saturday and Sunday, September 22, 23.... 5. M. Davis, Route 3, Box 329E, Clarksburg, West Virginia, asks us to thank all of our readers who sent cards and gifts to his wife during her hospitalization. This fine couple appreciates the prayers of the saints. Sister Davis is at home now but must use crutches.... Paul and Loraine Schlieper, Pearl, Illinois, have a baby girl, Martha Elaine, born April 16.... The final session of the Saturday discussions at Hartford, Illinois, was held April 21, with a goodly number present for the analysis of Galatians, chapter four.... W. Carl Ketcherside spoke on the subject of "fellowship" at New Galilee Christian Church, near Winfield, Missouri, May 1, and at the Jefferson County fellowship meeting at Little Grove, near Centralia, Illinois, May 5.... Victor Richards reports three immersed in the Rio Grande near El Paso, Texas, April 8. He reports that one of the Mexican converts, a former bullfighter, is now devoting full time to evangelism in the Juarez area.... We regret to report the death of Nellie E. Graham, 93, mother of our brother, Frank S. Graham, Ottumwa, Iowa.... Bernie Crum reports two more added at Albuquerque, New Mexico, on the Lord's Day following his meeting. Brother Crum was with brethren at Bloomfield, Missouri, one week starting April 29..... The editor conducted funeral services for Murl Howard, an elder at Anderson, Indiana, on April 25, and remained to address the saints assembled at 2103 Washington Avenue on that night. Rachel Howard has asked us to convey to all DC the brethren and friends the deep appreciation of the family for the love and sympathy expressed in the passing of their loved one.... Rose Warner reports two immersed recently at Champaign, Illinois.... Have you read "Studies in the Original Baptism" by Johannes Warns? If not, we'd like to mail you one for $3.95.... W. Carl Ketcherside will speak at the Clay County (Illinois) Men's Fellowship on June 25..... Do not forget the Family Camp Meeting at Outlook, Saskatchewan, July 26-29. Write to Paul Tromburg, P.O. Box 73, Outlook, for information.... We regret to report the death of Ray Hunt, Dawt, Missouri, on April 19..... Solon Whitehead, 51 Michigan Avenue, Montgomery, Alabama, recently was hospitalized for a number of weeks in serious condition. We are sure he would appreciate cards
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