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     A group of young brethren in the west contemplate the publication of a journal to be called "The Truth Seeker." They have prepared a statement of their aims and proposed approach to the problems of our day, and they will be pleased to mail you a copy of that statement upon request. Write at once to Philip Lydic, 1401 East Mariposa, Scottsdale, Arizona.... Victor Richards, P.O. Box 284, El Paso, Texas, writes about a Mexican brother, Salvador Monroy, who is desirous of devoting full time to gospel proclamation among his people. This brother needs your financial assistance to enable him to take the message, and can subsist on a meager amount as compared to what most Americans have. Will you contact Vic at above address and obtain details?.... Indications are that the Grove Men's Meet, to be held at Grove Service Camp, Cottage Grove, Oregon, August 22-24, will attract a large number of brethren this year. These three days will be literally crammed with study of God's Word from the time the early morning prayer meeting is held until the wee small hours find brethren still gathered about the huge log fire which serves to dispel the chill of the Cascades. We are looking forward to conversing with many who are members of the fellowship of the concerned in the great Northwest.... Pvt. Milton Dale Sterrett, Jr., US 55716845, Hq. Co., 2 ARB, 58th Inf., 2d Armored Division, Fort Hood, Texas, would like to hear from all of his friends and brethren.... We will send you a copy of J. B. Phillips' "The New Testament in Modern English" plus a copy of his book, "Making Men Whole" at only $2.50 for the two. This is a bargain you can ill afford to overlook..... Jim Mabery reports a truly refreshing season of work with the brethren at Warrensburg, Missouri. He will join with W. Carl Ketcherside in a meeting with the Lillian Avenue congregation, Saint Louis, September 9-19.... Webb Perry reports that Jack Kinser will begin a meeting at Light, Arkansas, July 29. Jack conducted vacation studies and meetings at New Liberty, Decatur, Champaign and Mattoon, Illinois, during the month of June, and was also scheduled to be with the congregation at Peoria, Illinois, in a like program during July.... On June 10, Don Neff was ordained as elder at Flat River, Missouri, with Loya Mabery and Melvin Propst being ordained as deacons. Glenn Olbricht, who has spent three years in Germany in mission efforts, spoke at Flat River, June 3, and showed slides of his work the following Wednesday night.... On another page you will read that the book "Thoughts on Fellowship" which will consist of all the copies of MISSION MESSENGER for 1957-58, will be issued in cloth binding, November 1. This 384 page volume will make an excellent addition to your library. You can save by ordering in advance as the pre-publication price is only $3.00. Please notify us at once how many we should reserve for you.... Bernie Crum was with the brethren at Pana, Illinois, and Canalou, Missouri, during the month of July, and is scheduled to be in work at Bicknell, Indiana, in August.... Fred Killebrew was with the brethren at Beech Grove, Arkansas, July 9-16.... Jim Mabery assisted in work at Eldon, Missouri, during the month of June.... James Graddy has moved to Saint Louis to do evangelistic work under the direction of the congregation at 2301 Wallis Street, Overland.... Buddy Moyer has accepted a position as engineer with McDonnell Aircraft Corporation in Saint Louis, and is offering valuable assistance in the work of the Lord throughout the city.... Roy Harris conducted the vacation study at Red Cloud, Nebraska, with good attendance registered.... We have a very limited supply of clothbound copies of Hugh Schonfield's "Authentic Version

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of the New Testament" at $4.25 per copy, and these will be issued on a "first come-first served basis," so if you want one please mail check immediately. This is a clear type edition with all footnotes.... Allen Boyts writes that work is progressing on the new James River Chapel and it is expected to be ready for services about September 1. This site is near Nixa, Missouri. Fred Killebrew conducted services for the brethren there, June 18-24.... We thank all who have assisted in our drive for new subscriptions. We need many more names on the list. Will you please mention the paper to others and send in their subscriptions?.... We know a congregation located near a good state college which would like to help a young man who is interested in gospel proclamation and personal work while going to school. If you will contact us we will place you in touch with the elders of the congregation.... Glenn L. Wallace had an article in Firm Foundation (June 26) entitled "Carl Ketcherside's Pseudo Unity Move." One of the revealing statements is that "Most of us have thought all along that the instrument is the chief test of fellowship." We recommend that you read the article. The address of Firm Foundation is P. O. Box 77, Austin, Texas. Brother Wallace lives at 4646 W. Myrtle, Visalia, Calif.... Since writing the copy for page 13 of this issue in which we expressed our thanks for the subscriptions sent in, we have received several lists numbering up to 35 names. We are profoundly grateful for your assistance in helping to circulate the message of peace.... If you would like to have extra copies of this issue or the one for July, you may secure them at the rate of ten for one dollar by writing to us at once..... We would like to recommend that you read the book "The People of the Way." Written by a preacher who has been laboring within the framework of the Baptist party it is a stirring appeal for the overthrow of all sectarianism. It is different! We will send you a copy for $3.75..... The congregations in Decatur, Illinois, had an outstanding meeting for young people for three days, starting June 22..... Rachel Smith directed the vacation Bible study in Hammond, Illinois, with 70 enrolled; Bob Duncan directed a kindred study in Bloomington, Illinois.... The William Hensleys, Chillicothe, Missouri, have a son, Craig William, born June 26; the Jerry Reeces, Unionville, Missouri, have a son, Tod Allen, born June .... Brethren at Catonsville, Westminster and Mt. Airy, in Maryland, have combined their efforts to plant the work in the latter place. Services are being conducted in the pavilion at Wildwood Park, Mt Airy, each Lord's Day morning and night, and on Wednesday night. There were about 55 present for the first service. For information write to J. Harrison Daniels, 213 South Rolling Road, Catonsville 28, Maryland.... Bernie Crum reports conducting funeral services for Ike Beckman, Brookport, Illinois, and for Lily Dalton, Flat River, Missouri.... We regret that the supply of extra copies of the July issue was exhausted by an unprecedented demand. We will be able to furnish you extra copies of the August issue at the rate of ten for one dollar. Read the announcement on page 13 of "The Basis of Faith" which will appear in the September issue.... The editor spoke in Red Cloud, Nebr., July 15. Brethren were present from many points in the surrounding area and were guests of the Sterner family at the McFarland Hotel. Roy Harris presided at the services.

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