Sharing Our Mail

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     The ideas you express are powerful and should have wider circulation. They give me hope for the future and inspiration to persevere at a time when I was becoming cynical. They also give me some idea of the power Christianity was in the first century and could be today if it were not for the weaknesses of its followers. --Maryland.

      Keep putting out these good editorials. Our brotherhood needs to do some real re-thinking of our basic positions. Having started well we made some terrible blunders which have led us into very serious trouble. May God use you and each of us to overcome these mistakes and to become stronger because of them. --Louisiana.

     I would like to extend my deepest gratitude for the powerful work of this paper. It is of great benefit in unifying and giving expression to the "awakening" that is stirring God's church. Please be encouraged in your efforts. More of us may share your concept of the church of Christ than you realize, though your gift of expression and your courage may not be so common to us. We pray that MISSION MESSENGER will continue to come to us free from rancor and bitterness that can so easily spoil such efforts. --Texas.

     To be honest, when I first heard about you and your stand on the difference between "preach" and "teach" some years ago, I thought you must be some kind of "nut." Now I find that if my evaluation then was correct, you and Alexander Campbell, along with some of the richest scholars and Christian gentlemen in the world, share the same "lunacy." Your writings and your series at Lakewood have enriched my knowledge and insight beyond measure. --California.

     I have just read the July issue from cover to cover. It is so good and so needed. I am so thankful to the Lord for your courage and ability. I thought that "Adventures in Religion" was exceptionally good. How easy it is for us all to slip into "a form of godliness" if we are not careful. --Ca1ifornia.

     God bless you in the work you are doing! May your tribe increase! I believe we are of one heart and one soul in our yearning for unity and love among the people of God. --Georgia.

     As I see the church today we are rapidly becoming polluted with tradition. Unless we believe and teach as certain other brethren taught we are scorned. I am sorry such is becoming the case. I am writing you these few lines to encourage you in your work. Keep it up. I am sure that it will pay dividends in some future day. --Ontario, Canada.

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