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Would you like to have back issues of MISSION MESSENGER for your files? The congregation at Nevada, Missouri, has a number of copies of the paper for almost every month for the past two or three years, which they will share with you upon request. Write to C. H. Ephland, 1505 North Ash, Nevada, Missouri, and tell him which ones you'd like to have.... We suggest you include postage.... We are happy to report that the meetings at Rosemead, California, were productive of much good for the cause of unity. Especially profitable were the afternoon forums in which questions were entertained from the audience. Robert Hanson did an excellent job of presiding. Following the Rosemead work four meetings and an afternoon conference were held at Pomona, where the series closed on the night of September 23 with a full house.... The editor will speak four times at James River Chapel, south of Springfield, Missouri, on November 17 and 18; and will address a meeting of the men's fellowship at Florissant, Missouri, November 20.... Two were immersed as a result of the meeting with the Lillian Avenue congregation, Saint Louis; and four more were immersed at Fenton the latter part of September.... We regret to report the deaths of Bro. Alvin Bunn and Sister Lottie Langdon at Des Moines, Iowa, during the month past. Brother Bunn was an elder of the Dean Avenue congregation for a number of years.... We extend our sympathy to Harold W. Ford, Academic Dean of Pacific Christian College, Long Beach, California, whose wife departed this life, Sept.23.... We have read with interest the September issue of The Christian Youth to which you may subscribe by sending a dollar to the editor Dean R. Garrison, P. O. Box 103, Farmington, New Mexico.... James Mabery conducted an excellent meeting with the colored brethren who meet on Armstrong Avenue, Saint Louis. He and W. Carl Ketcherside began a series of meetings at Fenton, Missouri, October 7.... We regret to report the death in Hot Springs, Arkansas, of our elderly brother, James B. McAnear, who departed this life September 17.... It was a genuine privilege to have James DeForest Murch, of Washington, D. C., spend a day in our home recently. Bro. Murch is the author of the recently published volume "Christians Only" which is an excellent history of the restoration movement right down to now.... Roy H. Lanier, Sr., is running a series of articles relative to the Denver Concourse on Unity, which he was unable to attend. Thus far the articles have been primarily directed toward an expression of opinion relative to the views I have expressed concerning fellowship, and we feel that you should read these. You may obtain copies by addressing Firm Foundation, P.O. Box 77, Austin, Texas.... It is a pleasure to report that Ed Lewis, Denver, Colorado, was showing wonderful recovery after surgery.... John Fleener writes that he ordained Stanley and Robert Clapp as deacons in the congregation at Champaign, Illinois.... Three were immersed and one added by membership transfer during the meeting which Hershel Ottwell conducted at Lock Haven, Pennsylvania.... Darrell Bolin and Blair Pettengill are carrying on with three broadcasts per week over the radio station at Lock Haven. These men need your regular financial contribution to help them in this worthy endeavor. If you can aid them, please do so by writing Bro. Bolin at 134 Susquehanna Avenue, Lock Haven, Pennsylvania.... We remind our readers that extra copies of this issue and of the one for October can be obtained at the rate of ten for one dollar. We regret that we do not have other back issues available. Send to MISSION MESSENGER, 2360 Gardner Drive, Saint Louis 36, Mis-
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