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     W. Carl Ketcherside will conduct a study of fellowship and unity of the believers at Mansfield, Ohio, January 17, 18. For particulars as to time and place write to Lowell E. McCoy, 330 Home Avenue, Mansfield, Ohio. We will attempt to carry a more complete announcement in our January issue.... The editor will also deliver addresses related to fellowship at Manhattan Bible College, Manhattan, Kansas, January 24, 25; at Johnson Bible College, Knoxville, Tennessee, February 21; and at Nebraska Christian College, Norfolk, Nebraska, March 20, 21. Announcement of other meetings in various places will be forthcoming at an early date.... It was our privilege to speak for the Water Street congregation in Decatur, Illinois, on the morning of October 28, and to address a large gathering composed of members of various Protestant congregations in that city at a Reformation Day meeting in the evening, our theme being 'Heretics and Heroes."... We take real pleasure in announcing that our January issue will feature two articles, one entitled "The Times of the Stork," by W. Carl Ketcherside; the other "New Building--New Breed," by Robert Meyers. It is our honest conviction that you will find this one of the most unique and challenging issues that we have ever presented. We are sorry to announce that we have no back copies left in stock at all, but if you wish to secure extra copies of the issue you are now reading (December) you may have them at the rate of ten for one dollar. Why not secure a supply and share them with others?... Ray and Vina Lee Moore, Riverside, California, have a girl, Kathryn Louise, born Sept.24; Robert and Mary Lou Roland, Overland, Missouri, have a boy, Robert Trent, born Sept. 17; James and Sue Graddy, Overland, Missouri, have a girl, Jami Sue, born Oct.28; Larry and Betty Van Horn, St. Louis, Missouri, have a boy, Steven Daniel, born Oct.25.... Jim Mabery conducted a fruitful week of study and labor with brethren at Alton, Ill.... Darrell Bolin began ten days of labor with brethren at Bridgeport, Conn., starting Oct.23.... We are pleased to report an interesting and encouraging meeting with the brethren at Highview congregation, Louisville, Kentucky, which closed Oct.25.... Hershel Ottwell who publishes Torch of Truth announces that the list of readers will be revised for the 1963 issues. If you'd like to be on the list please send word at once to P.O. Box 122, Hartford, Illinois.... James Graddy reports 4 immersed at Iberia, Mo., Oct. 14.... Jerry Reece concluded a two week meeting at Gallatin, Mo., on Oct.21.... Five were added in the meeting at Fenton, Mo., conducted by W. Carl Ketcherside and James Mabery. Two were restored and one immersed in the first four nights of the meeting at 7121 Manchester Avenue, St. Louis.... Jerry Reece officiated at the wedding of Randy Peterman and Janice Scott, Gallatin, Mo., Sept.28.... We have been asked to attempt to find a woman to stay with an invalid sister in the Saint Louis area. If you know of someone who would be interested in such an arrangement please contact MISSION MESSENGER, 2360 Gardner Drive, Saint Louis 36, Missouri, at once.... We regret to announce the death of the following: Della Dowdy, New Liberty congregation, near Windsor, Ill., Oct.27; Lewis Armon, Flat River, Mo., Oct.29; Robert Kohr, Overland, Mo., Oct.31; Jane Hahn, Flat River, Mo., Nov. 8; Carl Priest, Festus, Mo., Nov. 2.... Bernie Crum reports two added by membership transfer at Flat River, Mo., recently. He will conduct a meeting at Bismarck, Mo., in the near future.... Jerry and Betty Culley, Lexington, Kentucky, have a baby girl, Heather, born Oct.23.... Jerry Higginbotham who serves as a school adviser in St. Louis County has asked us to recommend to you

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an especially valuable book called "Home Discipline" which may be secured from the Economics Press, Inc., Montclair, New Jersey. The authors are Stoops and Rafferty. The price of the hook is $1.00 per copy; 80c per copy in lots of ten or more.... Those who desire a complete set of our lectures and the forums conducted at Rosemead, California, can secure them on tape by sending your order with check for $15.00 enclosed to Bob Haddow, 5409 Baldwin Avenue, Temple City, California. We think you'll agree this is a tremendous bargain.... Do not forget the discussion on unity and fellowship at Hartford, Illinois, December 27, 28. Featured speakers will be Russell Boatman, Harold Key, Leroy Garrett, W. Carl Ketcherside, Harold Shasteen, and Grayson Ensign. You can secure a complete copy of the program with other pertinent information by writing to Berdell McCann, Hartford, Illinois. We urge you not to miss this meeting.... Also please remember the Bible Study for young people, which will be held at Webster Groves, Missouri, Dec. 27 - 31. For information address Jim Mabery, 322 West Washington, Kirkwood 22, Missouri. You are urged to write at once.... We would like to give you a tip on a new book that will really help you. It is by William Barclay and is titled "Flesh and Spirit." It consists of a careful analysis of every one of the works of the flesh and the fruits of the Spirit as listed in Galatians 5:19-23. We'll send you a copy of this 128 page book for only $2.00.... F. L. Lemley, 6549 Upham Street, Arvada, Colorado, has compiled a series of "Thought Provoking Sermons" dealing with faith and opinion, heresy, misapplied scriptures, fellowship and endorsement, and unity. He will mail you one for 60c or you may secure them at $6.00 per dozen copies.... We extend our sincere sympathy to Robert Greenlee, La Porte, Indiana, whose mother was killed when her automobile was struck by a fast train, at Stillwell, Indiana.... You can now secure a complete transcript of the speeches and forums in the Denver Concourse on Unity by simply sending 20c to pay for mailing. Brethren felt that these speeches were so important that they needed to be studied and they are now being placed in permanent form. You may secure a copy by sending at once to Churches of Christ, 5925 West 32nd Street, Denver 12, Colorado.... The entire disciple brotherhood is being asked to pray for two persons in the Portland, Oregon, area. One is little Kim Needham, the five year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Needham, 4527 S.E. 79th Ave., Portland 6. Born without bile ducts in her body this sweet little child has been in the hospital 9 times, and although often close to the edge of the Beyond she has outlived the predicted span by four years already. The other is Robert Davies, 4952 S. E. 73rd Ave., Portland 6. He is 27 years old, the father of three children, and he and his wife have been Christians for almost 2 years. It has now been determined that he has Hodgkin's disease and is being given cobalt treatment. Please present these cases to your class or congregation for intercession at His throne.... We would like to have your order at once for "Thoughts on Fellowship" a 384 page book containing every copy of MISSION MESSENGER for 1957-58. The cost is just $3.50 per copy.

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