The article entitled "The Threat of Legalism"
is the speech delivered at the Hartford, Illinois, meeting
December 27, by Harold Key. Brother Key may be addressed at 6228
Fauquier Drive, Saint Louis 5, Missouri.... The Hartford meeting
was attended by brethren from twelve states and the interest was
unabated from beginning to end. In our March issue we will
present the speech by Leroy Garrett on the subject, "Who Is a
Heretic?" We consider this a masterful study of the subject of
heresy and urge you to look forward to it.... The Christmas
vacation study for those of high school and college age, which
was conducted at Webster Groves, averaged about 70 per day in
attendance. Teachers were James Mabery, James Graddy, Jerry
Higginbotham, and Bernie Crum. Stephen C. Hahn, formerly of Korea
and now Principal of Irondale (Mo.) Elementary Schools spoke
twice. W.Carl Ketcherside conducted one class and presided at a
forum session.... The New Year's Eve meeting at Lillian Avenue
congregation, Saint Louis, registered an attendance of 350
persons. Special speakers were Eldred Cayce, Jerry Higginbotham,
James Graddy, Hershel Ottwell and James Mabery.... We are happy
to announce the birth of a baby daughter, Joyce Jolanda, to our
brother and sister in Christ, Mr. and Mrs. Cor. J. W. van Ewijk,
Utrecht, Netherlands, on December 14.... We regret to announce
the death of William J. Whaley, at Clovis, New Mexico, December
11. Brother Whaley was a gospel preacher who was often in our
home in the days of my boyhood.... Are you interested in the
relation of instrumental music to fellowship in the Lord Jesus?
You can read how one brother views the problem by writing to M.
Watterworth, 2025 Bronson Blvd., Kalamazoo, Michigan, and asking
for his booklet entitled, "Christian Unity with Ourselves." It is
written in the spirit of Christian brotherhood and you need not
agree with its thesis to be loved by its author.... We are a
little late with this announcement but friends of Reed and Peggy
Shackelford, Lompoc, California, will be pleased to learn that
they are parents of a baby boy, Leslie Paul, born October 20....
Harold Key will deliver three travelogue lectures on "The Holy
Land" at Oak Hill Chapel, Saint Louis, during the first two
months of 1963. These will complete a series presented during
November and December.... In our last issue we reported the death
of Bro. John Clifton, Evening Star, Arkansas. Another tragedy has
struck the bereaved family. Sister Clifton, her daughter Clara,
and a little granddaughter, were seriously injured in an
automobile accident.... We again wish to mention that we will
send you a clothbound edition of The New Testament in Modern
English by J. B. Phillips, together with a paperback copy of
"Making Men Whole" by the same author, both for $2.50, if you
order at once.... Jim Bogan has moved to Tucson, Arizona, where
his address is 8650 East 28th Place. He writes of the strength
derived from association with Robert Meyers and the Riverside
congregation at Wichita, Kansas.... We regret to report the death
of Ballard Bunch, St. Louis, on December 19, and extend sincere
sympathy to the family.... Owen Taul reports a good New Year's
Eve meeting at the Bridge congregation, near Dexter, Missouri. We
regret to report the death of Stephen Winstanley, Hindley,
Lancashire, England. Bro. Winstanley was an elder of the local
congregation. He was the father of Albert Winstanley....
Apostolic Doctrine is a 16 page monthly edited by Irvin
Himmel. It is a neat, attractive magazine. The December issue
contains articles by Bro. Himmel, Jimmy Tuten, Jr., Cecil B.
Douthitt, et al. The subscription price is $2.00 per year and the
address P.O. Box 5803, St.
Louis 35, Mo.... We have received the first issue of
Restoration Thoughts, edited by J. Ervin Waters, 2615
Beechwood, Odessa, Texas. This issue contains a good article on
the rights of the citizens of the Kingdom of heaven, as well as a
prospectus of what future issues will contain. Why not request
Ervin to send you a sample copy?.... We regret to announce the
deaths of our brothers in the Lord: John Neff, of Flat River,
Mo.; and Fred Mason, of Bismarck, Missouri. Bernie Crum conducted
funeral services for the former on Dec.30, and for the latter on
Jan. 3.... The Christian Youth, P.O. Box 103, Farmington,
New Mexico, is a monthly journal edited by Dean R. Garrison. Of
inestimable value to young people it is worth far more than the
annual subscription price of $1.00.... One of the neatest of all
the journals coming across our desk each month is Word From
Heaven, A Magazine of New Testament Evangelism, with Charles
Gillespie as editor, and Don DeWelt as associate editor. Among
the outstanding articles in the 32 page January issue are: "The
Glory of the Fellowship" by Woodrow Phillips; "He Shall Bear
Witness of Me" by Charles Gillespie; and "The Christ of Isaiah"
by Roy Weece. The subscription price is $3.00 per year.... An
interesting little paper is Christian Crusader, edited by
Paul V. Osborne, P.O. Box 145, Hammond, Illinois. Paul presents
the program "Thoughts for Today" over Station WDZ, Decatur,
Illinois, each Saturday morning at 10:30 o'clock.... The editor
is scheduled to speak at the Rock River Christian Men's
Fellowship, Madison, Wisconsin, March 18; at Nebraska Christian
College, Norfolk, Nebraska, March 19, 20; and at Blair, Nebraska,
March 21. An all day forum on fellowship and unity is planned for
Fort Wayne, Indiana, April 19 in which Seth Wilson, Dean of Ozark
Bible College, will also participate. The editor will also
address the North Willamette Christian Evangelism Association at
Portland, Oregon, April 23; and speak at Puget Sound College of
the Bible, Seattle, Washington, April 24, 25, 26.... The
congregation at Nevada, Missouri, can supply interested readers
most of the copies of MISSION MESSENGER for 1962 and some for
1961. If there is a particular paper you wish for your files, or
if you'd like to have them for each month, write to C. H.
Ephland, 1505 North Ash, Nevada, Missouri. We suggest you enclose
postage.... The congregation at Iberia reports a full house for
the New Year's Eve meeting until midnight.... Darrell Bolin
conducted a good Bible study at New Liberty congregation, near
Windsor, Illinois, and later worked briefly with the congregation
at Bridgeport, Connecticut.... Brethren at Anderson, Indiana,
have a new meetinghouse located at 601 West 38th Street, in which
they met for the first time January 13.... A gospel preacher, 65
years old, but active physically and alert mentally, desires to
labor in an area where the brethren are anxious to further the
aims of the restoration movement. If you will write Bernie Crum,
220 Crane Street, Flat River, Missouri, he will place you in
touch with this brother.... The editor also knows of a man who is
anxious to do the work of an evangelist in an area where brethren
are anxious to reach the lost. He will be available to labor in
such a region starting this summer. We'll be glad to refer you to
him if you write us.... Bernie Crum conducted funeral services
for John Flowers, 88, at Ellington, Missouri, January 17. He was
immersed only two months before his decease.... Ellis Crum will
be with the congregation in Stockton, California, during the
month of June. He mentions that the Arrowhead Lake Camp will be
held August 4-25 and the theme will be, "The Holy Spirit, The
Holy Life, and the Holy Land." Sounds good!... Why not help us
distribute this issue of the paper? You can secure extra copies
at the rate of ten for one dollar!
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