My Defense
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Of all the contemporary leaders in the non-instrument segment of the disciple brotherhood, no other enjoys a higher degree of respect than Dr. J. D. Thomas, professor of Bible at Abilene Christian College. Brilliant and erudite, this good brother has earned an excellent standing in the scholastic world. For this reason I personally feel that anything he writes deserves more than passing consideration, even when it is directed against my position. In this connection I mention the article by my esteemed brother which appeared in Gospel Advocate, January 31, 1963, under the title of "Brother Ketcherside's New Fallacy." In view of the fact that Brother Thomas labored under so many mistaken impressions of my views, I immediately addressed a letter to our brother in the Lord, B. C. Goodpasture, editor of Gospel Advocate, as follows:
My gracious brother: In your issue of Gospel Advocate, dated January 31, 1963, our brother in the Lord, J. D. Thomas, presents an article under the title, "Brother Ketcherside's New Fallacy." Since this presentation does not correctly portray in all or the particulars covered, my plea for unity among the dissident forces or the restoration movement, I humbly request the privilege of submitting for publication an expression of my views. If this is granted through your Christian generosity I promise that I will write objectively and not objectionably, in love and not in rancor.
I am fully aware that you cannot grant every request for space but inasmuch as my name appears at least eleven times on less than two pages of your journal I am sure your sense of fairness will encourage the conclusion that I deserve a hearing. If my petition is granted, will you please indicate the length of manuscript permissible? With prayers and best wishes for you and yours, I am as always, Yours and HIS, Carl.
On the same day, February 3, 1963, I also sent a letter to Brother Thomas, which I share with you herewith.
My dear brother in HIM: Grace, mercy and peace be unto you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
I have read with interest your article in the current issue of Gospel Advocate, entitled "Brother Ketcherside's New Fallacy." The factthat you do not concur with my views related to the fellowship of the saints in no sense lessens my reverence and respect for you as my brother in Him who died for the misdeeds of both of us. But your intellectual and spiritual stature, coupled with the irenic spirit manifested in your article, emboldens me to make a proposal, which I trust you will accord prayerful consideration.
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Since I am sure that you believe in the right of sincere brethren who present their appeal in love, to be heard, can it be arranged that I come to Abilene for three sessions of two hours each, for public examination of my thesis? If so, I suggest that in the first two sessions I present objectively my position as to unity of the believers for one hour, and then submit to an hour of public questioning by a panel composed of three brethren, yourself being one and the other two being men of your selection. I further suggest that in the third session, after presentation of my views, I submit to questions (either oral or written) from the entire audience, with yourself acting as chairman of the meeting.
It would be understood that neither yourself nor Abilene Christian College concurred in or endorsed my views, but simply that as free men we met in interest of truth. I pledge upon my honor, that I will conduct myself with gentlemanly courtesy to all of the brethren and if I cannot lessen areas of conflict I will not widen chasms that exist. I will come at my own expense with the only requirement that we give sufficient notice of the meeting through brotherhood papers that all segments of the restoration movement will learn of the meeting and feel welcome. In the interest of fairness and justice, coupled with charity toward all, I am, Your brother in the One Faith, Carl.
At the present time, February 13, I have not as yet received a reply from Brother Goodpasture, but Brother Thomas has kindly furnished us, under the date of February 9, the following:
Dear Brother Ketcherside: In reply to your recent letter inquiring about a public discussion of your present views, I wish to state that, for good and sufficient reasons, I would not be interested in trying to have such a discussion. Sincerely yours, J. D. Thomas.
It may be that I acted presumptuously in suggesting a series of studies in Abilene. If so, I humbly apologize to Brother Thomas and others of our brethren there who would be affected. I hold that only truth can gain when humble brethren meet in a spirit of mutual regard for each other and the authority of the blessed Lord Jesus. It is a firm conviction that we must cease to erect walls and begin to construct bridges across the expanses which separate the various parties. So long as we maintain an exclusivist attitude, isolated and insulated from the thought of other brethren, we will perpetuate partisan indifference. In order to try to overcome this in my own life, I hold myself ready to go when possible to meet with my brothers in the Lord anywhere, or to converse with any other seekers after truth, be they Protestant, Catholic or Jewish.
In our next issue we will print the article from the pen of Brother Thomas as it appeared in Gospel Advocate and I will reply to it in order. Our hope will be that we shall reduce party tension, lessen areas of difference, and find as much common ground as possible upon which we may stand together. Our readers will appreciate the scholarly tone of our brother's article, and while I will not be able to reciprocate on that level I can at least write in that attitude of reverence and respect for our brother which I sincerely feel. It is indeed a pleasure to me to know that we be brethren! And I am sure you'll profit from reading the April issue.