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     One of the most attractive journals to cross our desk is North Atlantic Christian, edited by Robert W. Lawrence. Its various departments are under the direction of competent men. The address is 332 Main Street, Worcester, Massachusetts.... Given 0. Blakely, who edits "The Word of Truth" at Box 1684, Highland, Indiana, announces that his father, Fred 0. Blakely, is to edit a companion magazine called "The Banner of Truth" to be mailed to the same readers.... Edward P. Benoit, Box 404, Nanton, Alberta, Canada, edits The Christian Compass, which especially features news of the mission fields at home and abroad.... Sword of Peace is the title of a paper edited by Irven Lee, P.O. Box 327, Russeliville, Alabama. The brethren who contribute to its pages are currently waging opposition to "church combines" and "institutionalism" although the paper is not limited to this particular subject.... John Lasley, Professor in the University of Missouri; James D. Bales, Professor at Harding College; and Leroy Garrett, Professor at Texas Woman's University; all brethren from the non-instrument segment of the disciple brotherhood will speak at the Missouri Christian Lectureship, sponsored by Central Christian College of the Bible, at Moberly, Missouri, March 13-15. The lectureship, which will be held at Union Avenue Christian Church, will also have speeches by Luther Perrine, Reuben Bullard, Mark Maxey, Lester Ford, Wilbur Fields, James Morgan, S. R. Johnston and L. Edsil Dale.... The Voice of Evangelism is a weekly magazine, published at 908 North Court Street, Ottumwa, Iowa, with Donald G. Hunt as editor. The emphasis is upon evangelism and the disciplined life, both subjects of tremendous importance in a materialistic world.... If you'd like to have back copies of MISSION MESSENGER for any month in 1961 or 1962, write to C. H. Ephland, 1505 North Ash St., Nevada, Missouri, and inform him which ones you want. It is possible that he can supply your need.... Chris Lyles, Clint Evans, and W. Carl Ketcherside, conducted an all-day forum at Hartford, Illinois, January 26, on the question, "Is the Declaration and Address, as read by Thomas Campbell, in 1809, relevant to our present state?"... An all-day forum will be held in Decatur, Illinois, March 30, at Northwest Christian Church, 1306 North Stanley, on the topic, "Who is my Brother?" The participants will be Dr. Donald Leach, of the Bible Department of Lincoln Christian College, and W. Carl Ketcherside. The discussion will start at 9:30 a. m., and following luncheon at the Redwoods Restaurant, the audience will be given opportunity to question the speakers. For information write George Gahr, 2282 Yorkshire, Decatur, Illinois.... The editor will address fellowship meetings at Bridgeport, Illinois, March 5, and at Madison, Wisconsin, March 18.... We will send you a cloth bound copy of the New English Bible New Testament for $2.00 if you will write at once.... The editor has accepted an invitation to speak at the North American Christian Convention, which will be held at Long Beach, California, at the Convention Hall and Arena, June 26-30. The subject of the address to be delivered on the evening of June 27 is "The Church Speaks on Discovering and Unleashing Hidden Power."... We will continue to act as your agent in forwarding subscriptions for The Scripture Standard, published by our brethren in Great Britain. If you wish to subscribe or to send renewal, you may forward it to us. The subscription price is $1.50 per year. Make your check to MISSION MESSENGER, and indicate that it is to be for Scripture Standard. It is probable that some of

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your subscriptions are expiring and you should renew at once.... We are happy to report the marriage of Jewell Gastineau and Georgia Lancaster at Santa Maria, California.... Bernie Crum reports the death of Nell Rehkop and Amanda Mabery Benton, for whom he conducted funeral services at Flat River, Missouri.... The congregation at Pomona, California, observed its anniversary with a special meeting on March 3.... The congregation at Oak Hill Chapel, Saint Louis, will have special meetings conducted by James Mabery, James Graddy, and W. Carl Ketcherside, April 7-14.... Do not forget the meeting at Fort Wayne, Indiana, April 19. Seth Wilson and W. Carl Ketcherside will appear together in an all day forum study of problems related to unity and fellowship. For information write to William C. Dunshee, P. 0. Box 108, Bluffton, Indiana.... Have you purchased a copy of "Flesh and Spirit"? This is the title of the new book by William Barclay, and we will gladly send you one for two dollars upon your order.... The elders of the First Christian Church, Blair, Nebraska, have invited the editor to present his views on fellowship, March 21, at 7:30 P. M., the presentation to be followed by a question period. Invitations have been sent to brethren within the various segments of the restoration movement in the area. On March 22 an address will be made to the faculty and student body of Dana College.... The editor will also speak three times on April 23, to the Convention for the North Willamette Evangelistic Association, Portland, Oregon, at 11:05 A. M., 3:10 P. M., and 8:15 P. M. The three nights following will feature addresses at Puget Sound College of the Bible, Seattle, Washington.... Let us remind you that you may secure extra copies of this issue at the rate of ten for one dollar. Help to place them in circulation.... A new book called "Christian is the Name of the Church" has been published by Julian 0. Hunt, Box 993, Harrisonburg, Virginia. We will reserve our personal appraisal of its content until we have had more time for careful study. You can secure a copy for $4.00 by writing directly to Brother Hunt.... We regret to report the death of Brother Harley Keesling, Everett, Washington, as the result of a heart attack suffered February 1.... J. C. Mabery, Bonne Terre, Missouri, has been a reader of the paper since its inception 25 years ago. Brother Mabery was for a number of years an elder in the local congregation.... We are saddened to learn that our sister in Christ, Mrs. S. M. Davis, Clarksburg, West Virginia, has been informed that the bone structure in her knee cap is crumbling away, after her recent surgery.... Please remember that you can secure extra copies of this issue at the rate of ten for one dollar. Do not forget to send in your subscription. Great things lie ahead for all students of the Word of God.

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