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The article "Restoring the Spirit" was first presented at a Saturday forum at Hartford, Illinois, where the theme was "Neglected Areas of Restoration." Bro. James Mabery kindly consented to our sharing it with you in this issue.... Those who are interested in back issues of MISSION MESSENGER may be able to secure them by writing to C. H. Ephland, 1505 North Ash Street, Nevada, Missouri. Please tell him the month and year in which you are especially interested.... We will act as your agents in forwarding subscriptions or renewals to Scripture Standard, the paper published by our brethren in Great Britain. The subscription price is $1.50 per year. Make your check payable to us but write on it "For Scripture Standard.... We urge all of you who have not yet reserved in advance copies of the forthcoming book "Covenants of God" to do so at once. The publication date is June 1, and all orders received prior to that date will be booked at $3.00 per copy. Send no money as you will be billed with the book. "Covenants of God" will contain all copies of MISSION MESSENGER for 1959-60, compiled into a cloth bound book of 384 pages.... Texas Bible Banner is published monthly by Robert L. Craig, P.O. Box 36, Lometa, Texas, at a subscription rate of $1.00 per year. It is devoted to opposition against institutionalism in the churches. We are sure that Bob will send you a sample copy upon request.... Proclaimer of Truth is edited by L. G. Butler and Paul D. Mackey. The subscription rate is $1.00 per year, and the mailing address is 2575 Benton, Denver 15, Colorado. The brethren who publish it are opposed to Bible classes and individual cups.... W. Carl Ketcherside, James Graddy, James Mabery and Harold Key will join in conducting a series of gospel meetings at Webster Groves, Missouri, May 12-19. The opening date is the anniversary of the congregation.... Brethren at Bonne Terre, Missouri, invite all who can come to share with them in their annual homecoming meeting on June 9. There will be three services with basket dinner served at the noon hour.... You are urged to remember the week of study on the subject of fellowship and related matters to be held at Dallas, Texas, June 30 to July 7. Among the teachers will be Leroy Garrett, Darrell Bolin, and the editor.... Please help us by sending in your renewals in advance of expiration date and by subscribing for several years at a time. If your subscription expires later this year, why not send it in now. And do tell us when your address changes, please.... Randy Neff, Flat River, Missouri, was immersed by his father, Don Neff, on March 11.... Vernon Hurst, Albuquerque, New Mexico, reports good response from a letter on the subject of unity which he mailed to many congregations in that area.... We extend sincere sympathy to James DeForest Murch, Chevy Chase, Maryland, whose mother passed away at the age of 97 years, on March 5. This aged sister in Christ devoted herself to making scrapbooks for children in hospitals all over the world, and she had made more than 2,000 such books in the last ten years.... We chronicle with deep sadness the death of our young sister in the Lord Donna Armes of Richmond, Missouri. For the past several years she has waged a brave but losing battle against Hodgkin's disease.... Harold Key substituted for James D. Bales in the Missouri Christian Lectureship. Bro. Bales was unable to be present as a result of illness.... It has been announced that the theme for Grove Men's Camp, held annually at Cottage Grove, Oregon, is to be "The Work and Ministry of the Holy Spirit." Seth Wilson will be one of the teachers, and will be
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