[Page 140]
     At the close of this year, every issue of the 1963 MISSION MESSENGER will be bound into an attractive book of 192 pages under the title "The Unity of the Spirit." The pages will be numbered consecutively and there will be a complete index of subjects, authors, and other periodicals referred to during the year. The binding will be cloth and the book will have a colorful dust jacket. It will make an excellent gift. It will contain such articles as: The Times of the Stork, The Unequal Yoke, The Spirit and Unity, Terms of Communion, Who is A Heretic?, What is Heresy?, Discovering and Unleashing Hidden Powers, Terms of Communion, etc. There will be the exchanges with J. D. Thomas and Reuel Lemmons--all of this preserved in permanent form for your own library and the library of your friends. We are now taking orders for this volume at a prepublication price of $2.49 per copy. Send no money. Just tell us how many you will take when they are ready (about March 1) and we will bill you upon delivery.

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