An Explanation

[Page 158]
     Our regular readers know that a concerted attack against our position on fellowship has been made for some months in the pages of Firm Foundation by the editor and our brother in the Lord, Reuel Lemmons. After some negotiation our brother has agreed to print my replies to three of his articles on condition that we reproduce his answers to those replies. Because we feel that our readers should know the full strength of the opposition we propose to print the original articles, our reply, the reply of Brother Lemmons, and our additional comments. Due to the fact that ours is a small journal appearing but once per month this will require several issues.

     Possibly some of you will feel that this is unprofitable and you are entitled to that opinion. But we have a high regard for Brother Lemmons and for all of the good brethren in that faction with which he is allied. We are anxious to promote peace and we believe there is no better way to do it than to allow our brethren of the opposition to be heard in the same medium where we give expression to our views. We want all of you to know what Brother Lemmon believes. Study it very carefully. We urge you to preserve this issue of the paper for reference in connection with those to follow. If you need additional copies to share with others of the concerned ones you may secure them at the rate of ten for one dollar. If you'd like to subscribe for Firm Foundation, the address is P.O. Box 77, Austin 61, Texas. The subscription price is $4.00 per year.

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