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     Restoration Review edited by Leroy Garrett, 1201 Windsor Drive, Denton, Texas, is now being issued monthly with several new features. Curtis Lydic, instructor of art at North Texas State University conducts a section called "Truth Seeker's Forum," which provides for exchange of ideas among the readers, and also supplies a cartoon each month illustrating some of the vital principles of Christian brotherhood. Subscription rate is $1.00, or 50c each in clubs of six or more.... Guy Land and L. M. Roberts were ordained elders in the congregation meeting at Wynnewood Chapel in Dallas, Texas, on February 2.... Bernie Crum immersed one into Christ at Flat River, Missouri, January 26.... During March the editor will conduct forums on fellowship at Wichita, Kansas (5, 6) and at Logan, Ohio (12, 13). For information relative to the first contact Henry E. Hill, 1819 West Douglas, Wichita, or call Forest 3-5269; for information relative to the Ohio meeting contact Fred Waggoner, 740 Wyandotte Avenue, Logan, Ohio.... If you have not yet read the book "Raccoon John Smith" by Louis Cochran, we want to urge you to do so. The price is $4.95 per copy.... In our April issue we will present the last of the talks given at the Hartford, Illinois, Fellowship forum, an address by Grayson Ensign, president of Central Christian College, Moberly, Missouri. The title will be "Is Unity Possible in Diversity?" Brother Leroy Garrett also spoke at the forum but did not have a manuscript to present for publication.... We wish to mention again that we have secured extra copies of the two issues of Restoration Review Quarterly containing the speeches made by W. Carl Ketcherside in successive years at the Missouri Christian Lectureship. One of these is entitled, "The Ground of Christian Fellowship" and the other "Agape: Foundation of Christian Fellowship." It is possible that these represent about as an exhaustive treatise of the topics as we have ever prepared. You can have a copy of each of the two quarterlies if you will send a dollar bill. We will pay the postage. The supply is limited.... We are attempting to incorporate into our list the former subscribers to Word From Heaven which is no longer being published. If your name appears on this issue with a red (X) following the address it indicates that your subscription expires with this issue. If you should like to continue reading MISSION MESSENGER the subscription price is only one dollar per year.... Robert Meyers is scheduled to speak three times at James River Chapel, south of Springfield, Missouri, April 6, 7, 8. The topics for the three meetings will be: "Fence-Building"; "The Humble Reader"; and "Inner or Outer.".... We are pleased to report that a congregation of Christians formerly known as "Church of Christ" and one formerly known as "Church of God," all of whom were immersed believers in our Lord Jesus Christ, have resolved to receive one another and are now worshiping together. They have agreed to set the Lord's table on each Lord's Day and gather about it to edify and exhort each other in the most holy faith.... We also take pleasure in reporting that in two localities where the brethren divided over instrumental music some half-century ago, they have now resolved to undo the division which was brought about and are worshiping together as one body, lifting up a common and united witness to the one faith. In each of these localities brethren who opposed use of the instrument agreed not to demand that those who used it acknowledge that to be sin which they did not regard as such, and those who used it readily agreed to forego its use in order to restore unity and overcome

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schism. They will make progress unless a preacher from elsewhere comes in to drive a wedge of division as was done many years ago.... In the Albuquerque, New Mexico, area, brethren from some congregations representing all three of the major divisions in the restoration movement are visiting the meetings of one another in a group in an attempt to recapture a sense of the oneness which was lost for so many years. At the invitation of Erskine Scates, Jr., of Heights Christian Church, Vernon Hurst spoke there on February 2 concerning our common restoration heritage. Recently a Catholic priest attended one of the meetings being conducted in behalf of unity and asked permission to speak. Being granted the right, he encouraged such meetings as are being held and stated that he had missed a great deal because of the exclusivist attitude imposed upon himself and his fellow priests in past years. He expressed a desire to know more about the position that we hold.... It has been our privilege of late to hold several conferences with ministers of the Baptist party and to discuss with them at length the difference in our concepts of the relationship of baptism to our sonship in Jesus. In each instance the meetings were encouraging because of the spirit manifested.... On one mission field brethren from the restoration background have met for prayer and understanding so that they could testify to a common faith in the Lord before the native audiences.... The fifth in a series of consultations on internal unity of Christian Churches was held in Saint Louis, Missouri, February 27 - 29, with noted speakers facing up to the divisive issues of the day.... We should like to remind you that you may secure additional copies of this issue of the paper or the one for last month, at the rate of ten for one dollar. We regret that the supply of January issues is exhausted. Many were interested in the article on "Baptism" and the papers did not last long.... We would be greatly helped if the brethren will send for the books containing past issues of the paper. Please read the announcement of these on page 46. Since it costs several thousands of dollars to bring out these books, we can only continue if the brethren manifest their interest in them by purchase. We do feel that these will become more valuable as time goes on.... The congregation meeting at Hartford, Illinois, announces a three day Bible study of interest to young people especially, to be held March 27-29. Sessions will start on Friday afternoon and continue all-day on Saturday and Sunday. Meals and housing will be arranged for those who wish to attend. For information write to Clint Evans, 1916 Western Drive, Alton, Illinois.... Carl Dalton immersed one at Flat River, Missouri.... Martin M. Mitchum, P.O. Box 69, Rolla, Missouri, says he is having another edition printed of the booklet containing the speeches of Don DeWelt, Howard Short, Harold Key and W. Carl Ketcherside. The price of these is only 35c per copy and they may be ordered from Brother Mitchum.... The congregation at Fenton, Missouri, celebrated their fifth anniversary on February 2 with a capacity crowd present at the afternoon service.... Please help us out by sending notice of change of address in advance. Remember that the post office will return your paper to us if you move and we must pay to get it back.... It will also be greatly appreciated if you will renew in advance of expiration date as the cost of notification is very great for our mailing list. Why not send your subscription in now since we will credit it from expiration date? You have nothing to lose.

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