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     We would like for our readers to see a copy of The Christian Appeal, published by C. R. Worsham, 900 North M Street, Tulare, California. This neat, attractive journal is designed to be used as a teaching piece for all of the brethren and is not partisan. Editors are Duane Mayfield, Sand Springs, Oklahoma; Gene Shelburne, Phoenix, Arizona; and Norman Miller, Brookhaven, Mississippi. Why not write to Bro. Worsham for a free sample copy?.... Roy Weece informs us that more than 30 congregations from 20 cities and towns were represented at the fellowship forum which we conducted at Eldon, Missouri.... We are happy to report intense interest in the lectures which we delivered at Elizabeth City, North Carolina, at the invitation of Roanoke Bible College. The spirit was excellent.... There were about 350 present at the dinner of the Tri-State Fellowship meeting which we addressed at Weirton, West Virginia, on April 16, and a goodly number at the breakfast next morning, when a question session lasted several hours.... More than 400 were registered at the fellowship meeting in Boise, Idaho, at which it was our privilege to share in the program with William Jessup, of Lancaster, California.... Carl D. Witty, Route 3, Woodbury, Tennessee, would like to secure a copy of the March, 1951, issue of "The Christian Forum" which was edited by Ernest Beam, and any issues available of "The Christian Unity Quarterly" which was produced by Claude Witty and James DeForest Murch. If you have these and will share them with him, please notify him immediately.... Leroy P. Bellinger, 1807 High Street, Chester, Illinois 62233, is very anxious to secure a copy of Volume I of Bible Commentary, by E. M. Zerr. If you have one that you will sell notify him at once.... Claire Munch asks us to thank all who helped on the purchase of the meetinghouse at 503 Estancia N.W., Albuquerque, New Mexico. The building is now paid for and the brethren are at peace with each other and with God. If you pass through on vacation stop and worship with this little group of saints.... Bernie Crum conducted funeral services for Elmer Uthoff at Canalou, Missouri, April 17.... Elvis Bozarth informs us that the congregation at 800 N. Miranda Street, Las Cruces, New Mexico, offers a free six-lesson correspondence course in Bible study to anyone, anywhere. The brethren there will pay postage both ways.... We regret to chronicle the death of our good friend and brother of many years, William Norris, Fort Scott, Kansas, on April 4.... Buff Scott, Jr., is scheduled to move to Nevada, Missouri, June 6, where he will do extended work with the brethren in the North Main Street congregation.... Robert Burns, James DeForest Murch and W. Carl Ketcherside will be the leading speakers at Milligan College

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(Tennessee) during the week of August 17-21, in a period of instruction and study for Christian families. There will be special classes for children and teenagers at the same time.... We'd like to call to your attention a provocative piece of writing entitled "Church Names" by A. V. Mansur, Route 2, Box 278, Gait, California. If you are interested in church titles we urge you to write the author and he will mail you a copy of this treatise without charge.... Vernon W. Hurst, 6009 Avalon Road, NW., Albuquerque, New Mexico 87105, has a book called "Common Sense Approach to Bible Understanding" which sells for $1.00 per copy or 3 copies for $2.00, and we think you'll like it.... Jack D. Sanders, Hoosier Court 23-5, Bloomington, Indiana, needs a copy of The Royal Priesthood, by W. Carl Ketcherside, for special research. This is an urgent call. If you have a copy you will sell contact him immediately.... We have available two teaching records from Kingdom Kraft, one by Reggie Thomas, East Point, Georgia, under the title, "YOU CAN Win Souls to Christ"; one by W. Carl Ketcherside, "Who Is My Christian Brother?" These 33 1/3 LP records are designed to instruct, edify and motivate the listeners. Each is in an attractive jacket and sells for $4.95, plus 25c for handling and postage. Each will give you a full 50 minute visit with the authors and you can play them over and over for friends and study groups.... Joe Hamilton, Belfast, North Ireland, expresses his appreciation for the recent articles by Harold Key, Roy Key and M. S. Whitehead.... The North American Christian Convention will be held at Kiel Auditorium, Saint Louis, Missouri, July 7-10. On the last day there will be a discussion of "Christian Unity" which will feature Jess Johnson, Joseph Dampier, Howard E. Short, Robert Meyers, and Richard Crabtree, as speakers.... Buff Scott reports six added in April at Bridgeport, Connecticut.... In our next issue we will present as our main article one entitled "Prophet and Priest." We will also carry the second installment of "The Divine Attribute" by Vernon Hurst, and a brief article in which M. F. Cottrell asks the question, "Do We Really Differ?" This will be an explanation of a point raised by Grayson Ensign on page 56 of the April issue. We suspect that you'll find the whole issue interesting as well as enlightening.... We need to enlist your help to offset the summer slump in which the subscription list goes down. Much of this is due to carelessness or preoccupation with other things which cause many to neglect to send in their renewals. If each reader of the paper would send in an additional subscription right now we would be able to more than maintain our level of mailing. Since the subscription price is but $ l.00 per year, we do not feel that it would severely tax any of our readers to send the paper to a friend or brother. Perhaps many of you have been intending to do this very thing but have just postponed it. May we plead with you to help to this extent, and to send a list of names if you are able. Perhaps if you would make announcement publicly or in a bulletin you could secure a number of subscribers.... It will help us greatly to cut down on expense if all subscribers will renew in advance of expiration date. You cannot lose because your subscription is always advanced from the expiration date regardless of how far in advance it may be. Could you do us a favor and renew at once if your time is almost out?... If you contemplate a change of address give us ample warning so we may change your stencil and avoid payment to the post office for notification of the change. All mail should be addressed to MISSION MESSENGER, 2360 Gardner Drive, Saint Louis, Missouri 63136.

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